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on tap


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RATINGS: 117   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.74/5   EST. CALORIES: 225   ABV: 7.5%
Marris Otter, Chocolate and Cristal malts. Torrefied barley. Fuggles and East Kent Golding hops. English yeast. At least 60 days of cellaring.

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dunklermessias (3101) - GERMANY - APR 29, 2021
UPDATED: APR 29, 2021 Deep dark color and a nice, creamy tan head. Creamy and silky mouthfeeling, roasted malts, molasse, vanilla and licorice. Nice body! Good work, guys!

ametras (3499) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - APR 2, 2021
UPDATED: APR 2, 2021 473ml can. Black pour with a foamy tan head. Flavors are roasted cereals, burnt toast, caramel, molasses, licorice, soy sauce and alcohol with herbal and fruity notes. Medium to full body, soft carbonation, oily texture.

Braudog (8879) - Yorktown, Virginia, USA - JUN 8, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 8, 2019 On nitro at the brewpub. After years of beer hunting and thousands of beers, it's rare any more that a single pour really blows me away ... but here was a masterpiece. Creamy, fully flavored but not obtuse nor too boozy, perfectly bodied. Chocolate mousse in a glass. Just a whisper of smoky java to round it out. Chocolate milk with a small kick. Damn good. (#7439, 6/2019)

TBone (27216) - Pori, FINLAND - MAR 20, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 20, 2019 Tap at brewpub. Opaque colour, creamy steady brownish nitro head. Toasted aroma has some licorice. Full-bodied. Smooth nitro palate. Toasted flavour is slightly milky with licorice and coffee. Simplish but has some merit.

LocalScout17 (13) - ITALY - MAR 6, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 6, 2019 Il naso è di cioccolato fondente, caffè espresso e vino rosso con tocchi di liquirizia e legno.

Taschert (300) - FRANCE - SEP 1, 2017
Tap at the brewery. Black with a brown head. Aroma is roasted malt. Full body, soft carbonation. Taste is sugar, alcohol and roasted malt and caramel.

DeanF (10102) - New Westminster, British Columbia, CANADA - MAY 27, 2017
Aroma of sweet barley and syrup. Has a good solid dark brown head and black body. Flavour is chocolatey notes and then sweet molasses, all without finesse. Soft on the mouth. Just okay for this style.

Ernesto987 (6082) - Arizona, USA - JUN 17, 2015
draft at brewery, this one wasnt so bad. Some dark raisiny malts here, Nice balance, moderate body.

brokensail (21480) - San Diego, California, USA - MAR 3, 2015
On tap @ L’Amere A Boire. Black pour with a khaki head. Heavy roast and ash. Some hints of smoke and a bunch of coffee. Kind of chocolatey, I guess. Some burnt nuts, too. Flavor is pretty heavy on the smoke, actually. A lot of coffee grounds and some sweetness of graham cracker, and cocoa powder. Lightly acidic on the finish.

KansaiBeerLvrs (8504) - Kyoto, JAPAN - AUG 23, 2014
On tap at the brewpub. Imperial stout 8.5%  A pitch black inky pour with a thick inky tan head that has good staying power. Rich roasty chocolate and coffee bean aroma. Soft silky mouthfeel on quite a full body. A lactic sweetness, milk chocolate with a healthy dose of cocoa and coffee. The best of the bunch by a wide margin.

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