Mano's Grill & Brewpub Reviews

Sandro Mosque
Mano's Black Bear

Monday, December 31, 2018

Sandro Mosque
Mano's Screamin Eagle Pale Ale

Monday, December 31, 2018

Mano's Bison White
sharp rubbery aroma. Slightly cloudy with thin white head. You have to wonder if they didn’t filter it for style, or if they were just lazy. Rubber and alcohol taste. I’m going with lazy.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mano's Black Bear
Dark brown head at all. HORRIBLE flavor which included burnt carmel and day old coffee. This went straight into the drain after the first sip...along with Presario’s!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Mano's Gulo Gulo
Amber color...barely any head. Heavy on the carmel flavor but very thin. Not a drain-pour but dangerously close.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Mano's Canadian Whitetail
12oz can via trade with presario - Thanks Trevor! - Pours pale golden with a huge sudsy white head. Not much aroma there at all. Maybe a bit of citrus but not much. Flavor is light grains, some sweet sugary metallic flavor too. Palate is light and highly carbonated. This wasn’t too great. Very similar to an American macro.
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mano's Black Bear
Label said dark pale ale but brown seemed to be a better category than pale. 1L bottle. Thin malty aroma, a touch of caramel. A very light head on dark copper beer. Flavour has a burnt toffee and coffee edge to it. Perhaps a little thin but the first Mano’s beer that I would drink a second one. CORRECTION. I had a second bottle and it was undrinkable.
Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mano's Gulo Gulo
1L bottle. 6%. Minimal head. Amber colour. Very light thin molasses aroma. Flavour reminds me of a thin Rickards clone. Heavy on the caramel.
Friday, September 23, 2005

Mano's Screamin Eagle Pale Ale
Long story with this one. The short version is that my dad brough a Litre bottle back, although the label says 2L. The bottle leaked a little bit and after I picked up the beer I was holding it while driving and came upon a check stop! The beer is pale with little head. As my 3rd Manos’ beer I am reminded off generic Duff beers. Thin flavour. Some bitter hops with no malt. A backing diesel edge.
Sunday, September 18, 2005

Mano's Bison White
My can says Canadian Wild Life Beer and a sticker says White Bison. It is 8%. Pale yellow. No head. Initial mellon aroma with some alcohol. Wierd mellon start with alcohol finish. Just not enough in this beer. It could have almost been an interesting malt liquor.
Friday, September 16, 2005

Mano's Canadian Whitetail
Can. Light coloured ginger-ale look. A micro macro-clone. Starts out tasting like the bottom third of a warm macro. Harsh and metallic. Some sweetness but not really enjoyable.
Friday, September 16, 2005

Mano's Canadian Whitetail
Anemic yellow beer with barely any head. Sweet maple candy aroma. Fresh malt with barley any hops, light metallic aftertaste, very light but not bad.
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Mano's Gulo Gulo
Darker amber beer with nice head retention. Faintly malty aroma. Sweet malt and decently hopped beer , with a nice caramel touch, and a lighter body. Still quite good.. I was scared about that one based on the Screamin Eagle, but it tunred out to be much more enjoyable. Canned. Where the hell did they get that name....sounds like a turkey. Gulo gulo! Gulo gulo!
Saturday, October 23, 2004

Mano's Screamin Eagle Pale Ale
Hazy light gold with barely any head or carbonation. Sweet fruity aroma, not enjoyable, artificial. Very sweet beer , almost like a shandy, with notes of grape juice. Lots of alcohol and metallic sharpness in middle of tasting. Makes you scream for the exit. Kinda of oversweet, so the palate is all wrong. Canned. From the Capflu.
Saturday, October 23, 2004

Mano's Malt Licker
(Draught) Pours absolutely clear and colourless - like water! No detection of alcohol in the nose; perhaps a club soda and saki ordour. As it warms up a strange Bek Se Ju flavour becomes evident: boiled turnip and cashew wax. Not my idea of a beer but it was refreshing when served with ice and a twist of lemon...
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mano's Screamin Eagle Pale Ale
(Draught) I guess this is supposed to be the big brother to White Tail but it really hasn’t made much of an impression at all. Its tart and acidic and not to my liking... maybe the 2 litre Clear bottle in the Manos Off-Sale will taste better...
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mano's Gulo Gulo
(Can) Sampled at both the 8th Street and 22nd Street locations. In keeping with Manos Canadian Wildlife theme, Gulo Gulo is the scientific name of the Wolverine. This beer pours a frothy yellowish head with a highly carbonated body of orange-amber. No nose. Strong dark malt flavour with a mildly hoppy finish. Interesting but not worth the trip to either side of town.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mano's Canadian Whitetail
(Draught) Sampled at the 8th Street sister restaurant. Very lemony flavour. Fizzy. Pours a lasting, white head and a light golden body. Some malt. Average. Described by our server as "somewhat like Kokanee. If you like Kokanee, you'll like this."
Wednesday, December 31, 2003