Meet The Brewers Schooners/Valley Brew


A San Francisco Beer Week Event. Come and hang out with Craig Cauwels of Schooners and Steve Altimari of Valley Brew. They will be pouring 10 of their specialty beers including Old Woody, Old Inventory, Vin-de-cation, Wildcat, Krieken Cluster Funk, Frieky Kriek, Robust Porter, Russian Imperial Stout and both breweries West Coast IPA’s. There will also be a five cheese pairing plate to go with the beer flights. Purchase the entire flight for $12 or enjoy singles. $20 gets you all the beers and cheese plate.

Cost: $12 For Beer Sampling

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wezil 1/16/2009
Please contact the brewery if you are attending so that they can get a count of whose coming

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