Fauerbach Brewing Company Reviews

Fauerbach Export
Slightly hazy gold, moderate white head, temporary lace. Caramel aroma with a lot of creamed corn. Flavor heavily into the sulfurous cooked vegetables, with just a bit of hops bitterness to offset this. Not usually what I’m looking for in a beer, but if I accept it on its own terms, there’s nothing off with it. Medium body and zest.
Friday, October 23, 2009

Fauerbach Export
12oz bottle. Filtered orange-bronze color. Malty straightforward aroma. The taste is simple, toasty malt and light noble hops, with a slight creaminess. Easy drinking light to medium bodied. Mild German Lager yeast tones and a touch of sugary sweetness. A pleasant surprise, nothing world class, but a perfectly respectable example of the style.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Clear amber pour, thin off-white head, no lacing to speak of. Aroma was faint, something of tea and nuts. Flavor primarily bitter, black tea, bitter almond. No off notes, but nothing really to say yum about either. Thin to medium body, pronouncedly dry.
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fauerbach Export
12oz twist-off bottle. Deep golden color. Aroma of buttered lobster. Light malt flavor. Balanced hop presence. Flavor is very light on the palate. A very easy drinker. 03 may 08
Friday, June 12, 2009

Fauerbach Amber Lager
12oz twist-off bottle. Light copper/ amber color. Paper thin white head. Odd aroma consists of apricot pits, pencil shavings, and slight butterscotch. Some tartness, a little butterscotch flavors on the palate. Light bodied. 03 may 08
Friday, June 12, 2009

Fauerbach Export
Semi hazy amber with a thin white head, gone. Aroma of caramel, earthy hops and lake water. Thin body is semi grainy and has some caramel and hops in there to go with a mild peppery finish that’s sweet and a touch dry.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Clear copper with a beige head that fades as I stare. Aroma of sweet malt, grain, grassy and earthy hops and funk. Body is watery and somewhat astringent and it finishes akin to a cola. Taste of caramel, malt and nuts.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fauerbach Challenge Brew
Sampled on draught at the GTMW ’08. Pours a semi-clear copper amber brew with a fast dissolving off-white head that quickly dissipates to a fine film and thin white ring. Aroma of roasted dark malt, some white pepper, touch of apple/pear fruit, and some grassy hops. Taste has a more malty character with little hop bitterness with flavors of caramel malt, a touch of chocolate and dark pitted fruits. Finish is semi-dry with a mild caramel and pear aftertaste that slowly disappears. A little light and sweet compared to most other dunkler bocks I’ve tried but happy to see the Fauerbach CB label return after last brewed in 1965.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Biscuit ,caramel and mild honey aroma notes. Golden-amber; clear; with white, frothy head. Biscuit, mild caramel, and some mild metallic flavour notes. Watery, dull palate.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Mild caramel and cereal aroma. Golden with white head. Mild caramel, biscuit, and lite hop notes. Syrupy, with a mild bitter finish.
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Bottled, thanks to Bob! Poured hazy medium orange with a short-lived cap of off-white head. The aroma picked up sweeter caramel and a whole bunch of toast with dry cardboard and berries toward the back.. some odd stuff back there, and not very enticing overall. The flavor had sticky caramel and nutty base with dry herbal bitterness surrounding.. tacky finish with an odd sweetness. Lighter-bodied with moderate-to-low carbonation.. never felt good.
Friday, July 25, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Pours a golden body with a medium sized white head. Lots of carbonation in this brew. Wheat on the nose, but a little grainy in taste. Medium bodied mouthfeel. I thought it was a pilsner at first, it makes sense thats its a dort.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
This beer pours a semi clear amber colour with a large frothy head. A light mouthfeel, that does taste with soft malted feel. Starts sweet and finishes bitter. Has a distinct caramel flavor.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Name: Fauerbach Export Lager
Date: 05/03/2008
Mode: Bottle
Source: Tasting, Cellar Party

Appearance: hazy gold, frothy off white head, drippy lace,
Aroma: sweet caramel malt aroma with an earthy bready character,
Flavor: rich bready malt flavor, lots of balancing earthyness, touch of caramel sweetness,

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 5/10; Palate: 6/10; Overall: 11/20
Rating: 2.9/5.0
Drinkability: 7/10
Score: *4

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Date: 05/03/2008
Mode: Bottle
Source: Tasting, Cellar Party

Appearance: clean amber, fine beige head, streaks of lace,
Aroma: bready malt aroma with a caramel sweetness,
Flavor: sweet caramel malt flavor, lots of bready character, light balancing earthyness,

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 6/10; Overall: 12/20
Rating: 3.1/5.0
Drinkability: 8/10
Score: *4

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Thanks to Bob for the bottle! Poured healthy medium golden with a well-retained cap of off-white head.. but it was chunkified. The aroma picked up soft bready and caramel notes with dry herbal notes, lemon zest, and sour grains surrounding. The flavor was more centered around the caramel with a bit of cardboard, sour malts, and slight vegetal on the back.. had a tacky, sweeter finish that wasn’t very enjoyable. Lighter-bodied with tackiness, sour notes, and high carbonation throwing off the flow on the palate.. drinkable, but not very good.
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Appearance: Pours a clear, yellow-orange body with a wispy, white head. Smell: Mild aroma of spice and damp grain. What a snoozer! Taste: Pale malts with a touch of sourish grain and a handful of biscuit crumbs. Big pop of Noble hops and bitterness. Lightly sour finish. Mouthfeel: Thin-bodied. Medium carbonation. Drinkability: Oh, I wanted to love this one, really I did! But I did not. Pass!
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Appearance: Pours a clear, gem-quality amber body topped by a small, white head that bubbles out fairly quickly. Smell: Aroma of toasted barley and a spicy, floral hop character. Taste: Toasty maltiness, a hint of a grain, and a touch of sugary, caramel sweetness. Spicy, floral hop character remains light, as is any hop bitterness. Lightly sweetish finish. Mouthfeel: Medium-thin body. Medium carbonation. Drinkability: Sure, it’s no GL Eliot Ness, but it’s good enough for a little, unassuming amber lager.
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Pours a golden yellow color with a a white head. Aroma is malt, honey, grain, and some peppery hops. Flavor is grainy, honey, a hint of sweet apple, and slight peppery finish.
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Pours a transparent copper orange with a thin, wispy-lacing white head. Aroma of grainy pale malts and mild sweetness with some noble hops. Starts lightly sweet and fairly well-balanced with a decent German hop character. FInishes smooth and slightly grassy. An ok Dortmunder.
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Pours light orange/yellow with a slight 1/8 inch head and below average lacing. Lightly carbonated. Fairly strong hop smell with average malts. Light to mild flavor with a without much backbone. This is very light .
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Export
*didnt mind wouldnt buy* aroma: dingy. musty. some flowers. App: pee. flavor: neat pepper floral taste. does not taste dingy or musty. palate: fine normal nice spritzy. watery. OA: fine suprise. nice and drinkable and not icky
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Pours a transparent copper amber with a thin-lacing off-white head. Aroma of sweet caramel and butterscotch. Body starts fizzy and slightly grainy and sweet with some mild toasted notes before a slightly citric finish. Needs some more balance and authenticity.
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
*did not like would not buy* aroma: smells of strange stew. app: fine nothing magic. flavor: water some slightly warm sweet lil malts and finishes with an almost sour bitter hop finish. its not bad... i just think i would have prefered the flavor train to stop at water. palate: fine.. bit thick and coating in the back of the mouth. OA: eh.
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Pours deep amber with a slight head and slight lacing. Smells of malts and apricots, and light hops. Finishes well with smooth aftertaste. Good flavor just not a lot of flavor. Good for a lager
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Bottle. Slightly hazy orange and amber colored body with traces of a yellowish khaki head. The aroma is meaty with bologna and fresh soybeans. There is also some biscuit. The taste has light cake donuts with some carrots. The finish is raw bread dough. A thin body with light carbonation. A decent session beer.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fauerbach Export
Hazy dark golden to amber color. smallish off-white head. malty/grainy aromas with bread dough, biscuits, wet malt with hints of herbal hops. Lightly citric malt flavors protrude from the onset. Somewhat worty. I can see this being an older recipe. Some sourdough in the middle. Lightly acidic in the finish with a return of wet malt flavors. Interesting.
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Again, thanks to Skyview. Copper color with a thin head. Carmel aroma with something a little like bubblegum. The taste is almost chocolate, with very dark bread. Quite nice.
Friday, May 25, 2007

Fauerbach Export
Thank you kindly, Skyview. Copper color with a thin head. Buttery aroma. Sweet grain taste and lots of noble hops.
Friday, May 25, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
This isn’t bad at all but not malty enough to be a Vienna. Like the export, it is very well carbonated. Amber in color and a little sweet with unprocessed grain.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fauerbach Export
Thanks to Skyview for sharing. This is a little light for a helles, and appears filtered. Gold color. corn and light malt. Loads of carbonation. Simple but not bad.
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Nice caramel nose. Dark brown body with faint hop nose. A wonderful grainy body with hints of caramel. Thanks again to Skyview for sharing!
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fauerbach Export
Refreshing citrus and grain nose. Barley body with a crisp, smooth finish. Golden color with minimal head. Thanks to skyview for sharing!
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
A 12-oz bottle picked up at Bob’s McFarland Liquors in McFarland, WI. Pours a brownish amber brew with a small fast dissolving white head. Lots of carbonation in the glass. Aroma of pitted fruit, roasted barley malt, and llight caramel. Taste is very carbonated, light bodied, with some grass-like hops in the finish. Finish is light, a little watery and a hint of bitterness. I like this one over the Fauerbach Export. Happy to see another historical brewery making a comeback after a 40 year absence.
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fauerbach Export
Picked up a six pack from Bob’ s McFarland’s liquors in McFarland, WI, brought back to Minnesota to share at Cellar’s Wine & Spirits Friday evening beer tasting. Pours a pale light golden brew with a thin off white fizzy head. Dissolves quickly to a fine film. Aroma of some citrus, light barely malt, some beets/corn character, and a touch of multi grain biscuits. Taste is highly carbonated, light clean cut and crisp. Finish is a bit flat and light body. Served below 40 degrees and you have an excellent lawn mower beer. I am happy to see this historical beer has resurfaced to the Madison, WI market since it first disappeared in 1965.
Friday, May 18, 2007

Fauerbach Export
On tap @ Gray’s Tied House, 5/15/07. Pours a clear honey golden with a two and a half finger yellowish white head--@ least it’s creamy since I only have 10oz of beer now. Good retention, nice lacing throughout. Aroma was light citrus and biscuits. Flavor was a bit lemony and biscuity--maybe even some light corny grain and sugar cookies--with a lightly sweet biscuity finish. At some point there were some grassy hops. Very low bitterness at its peak. Moderate carbonation, light body. Pretty decent.
Friday, May 18, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Copper to umber in color with a moderate somewhat fizzy ecru head. Inoffensive charcoal and light caramel aroma. Some hints of cherry licorice seem to lurk in the backdrop. Innocuous enough. Some husky grains seem to come out more as it warms. Fairly heavy for a amber lager. Dark roasted peanuts with toasted rye in the flavors. Just a hint os floral hops. Thicker throughout the quaff. Nothing really incites much emotion. Somewhat lifeless, quite boring. Yes there are no major flaws, but this is a sled ride down a small slope.
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fauerbach Export
Maybe it’s the cold I’m currently fighting, but this beer has very little taste. Very dissapointed with this beer.
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Fauerbach Amber Lager
12 oz bottle from Woodmans on Gammon Road, Madison (Oct 2006) consumed a bit above fridge temp from a Corsendonk glass. Dull brassy amber with a smallish receding head that leaves a lasting ring....a bit of smokiness enlivens the otherwise plain and weak caramel aroma, and a bit of vegetal character creeps in too though not to the benefit of things....the flavor is lightly caramelized, sweetish malts with a lactic sourness that intrudes and makes for a rather unpleasant back end....watery texture and unfermented, worty mouthfeel makes for one of this brewery’s worst offerings, alas. Skip it.
Friday, October 13, 2006

Fauerbach Export
Tasted at Great Taste of the Midwest. Yellow/gold in appearance. Very malty with some bitterness. Quite grainy tasting. I wasn’t impressed, but this isn’t a preferred style of mine. FWIW, the others in the group I was with really enjoyed this. It was a small sample size, so I’d definitely like to try it again and possibly re-rate.
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fauerbach Amber Lager
On tap at Cheers for a Cure

I thought this might be good before hitting the IPAs and imperial stouts, so despite my better judgement I asked for a sample. After all, I will probably never pay money for this so why not try a ’free’ sample? I am glad that I did as it confirmed my suspicions - this is what I would call an average beer. It is neither good nor bad, but somewhere in the ’eh?’ range. Still, it might serve as a good way to introduce people to more flavorful beers if they are only used to mass market swill.

Aroma / Appearance - A huge three-fingered head soon condensed into an off white half-finger head which stuck around. The maroon colored body showed signs of life as the occasional bubble of carbonation worked its way up to the surface. It was hard to pick up anything from the glass but eventually I noted a hint of malts and peanuts. There was no complexity at all in this one.

Flavor / Palate - Following the simple theme, this beer offered up no suprises. A short taste of bitter peaches, malt and peanut butter faded into nothing. It took large gulps to even detect that, so be aware if you are trying to pick up anything. The taste was not offensive in any way but it left me wondering if my senses were working. It was bland after a while, and though I was able to finish the glass easily I thought about pouring the rest into the grass. It’s good to try beers like this every once in a while so the good ones stand out, but I hope I do not run into anything with a similar profile anytime soon.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Bottle. Pours a thin head over a copper brew. Clean and sharp on the tongue, malty in the glass and the nose. Bright, but thin, well bittered with English hops (IMO). An OK beer, but not memorable. I thought these beers were being brewed in Madison and bottled by Grays, but that is not what the bottle says.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fauerbach Amber Lager
Had this the other night on tap at Jonny Delmonico’s in Madison. Light caramel aroma. Dark amber in appearance with an inch tall head. Flavor is fairly abrupt, some might call it "clean." Quick bit of caramel and then a touch of grassy hops in the finish. Light body and a nice creamy-watery texture. Not too exciting, but not bad.
Tuesday, August 2, 2005