Bad Brewing Company Reviews

Bad Brewing Mud In Your Rye

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bad Brewing King Nugget's Double IPA

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bad Brewing Kracken IPA
12 oz from brewery. Dark amber with a little lacy white head. Sweet, a little dank and a little thicker than your typical IPA. Very little bitterness. A hint of spice with a solid malt backbone. Not bad.
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hop project #3

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bad Brewing Belgian Tripel - Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged
22 ounce bottle into chalice, bottled in 11/2016. Pours slightly hazy deep golden amber/light orange color with a small fairly dense and fluffy off white head with poor retention, that reduces to nothing pretty much instantly. No glass lacing, and a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Good appearance. Aromas of big lemon, orange, peach, plum, pear, melon, apricot, red apple, white grape, honey, candi sugar, toffee, vanilla, spicy rye whiskey, coconut, toasted oak, peppercorn, clove, cracker, white bread, light caramel/banana, herbal, floral, grass, and yeast earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of fruity/spicy yeast, rye whiskey barrels, candi sugar, pale malts, and light-moderate earthy hop notes; with big strength. Taste of big lemon, orange, peach, plum, pear, melon, apricot, red apple, white grape, honey, candi sugar, toffee, vanilla, spicy rye whiskey, coconut, toasted oak, peppercorn, clove, cracker, white bread, light caramel/banana, herbal, floral, grass, and yeast earthiness. Light-moderate peppery yeast, and rye whiskey/oak tannin spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of lemon, orange, peach, plum, pear, melon, apricot, red apple, white grape, honey, candi sugar, toffee, vanilla, spicy rye whiskey, coconut, toasted oak, peppercorn, clove, cracker, white bread, light caramel/banana, herbal, floral, grass, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a while. Fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/spicy yeast, rye whiskey barrels, candi sugar, pale malts, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; with an awesome malt/sugar, and yeast/oak/rye whiskey barrel spiciness balance; with no cloying sweetness after the finish. Fairly crisp/clean finishing. Light-moderate increasing dryness from lingering yeast/whiskey/oak/tannin spiciness. Medium carbonation and medium-plus body; with a very smooth and moderately creamy/bready/grainy/sticky/tannic balanced mouthfeel that is great. Mild increasing warmth of 9.8% and barrel booze after the finish. Overall this is a fantastic barrel aged tripel. All around fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/spicy yeast, rye whiskey barrels, candi sugar, pale malts, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; dangerously smooth, and fairly crisp/clean to drink with the mellowly spicy/tannic/drying finish. Great soft feel. Fantastic balance between Belgian yeast, and rye whiskey barrel presence/integration; with a nice clean candi sugar/pils malt backbone, and solid earthy hop presence. Minimal residual sweetness with crisp dryness; very well attenuated for the ABV. A highly enjoyable offering, and amazingly spot on style example. Reminds me of a paler version of Wizard Burial ground.
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bad Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian Quad with Plums
From notes. Enjoyed at a tasting at Corbet’s on March 22. 22 bottle. The pour is a darker ruby brown color with a thinner ring of off khaki colored head and a couple spots of lace as it falls to a thin film. The aroma is nice. There is a nice dark fruitiness to it and a growing candy sweetness. There is a light plum and a growing sweetness. There is a bit of alcohol that increases on the back end. The flavor is much of the same. The dark fruits and a pretty strong bourbon highlight it with a growing dark fruit and nice plum. The booze kicks back up on the finish. The mouth feel is lighter medium bodied and softly carbonated with a lingeringly sweet dark fruit and nice dry alcohol. It’s pretty solid. 7 4 7 4 15
Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Bad Brewing Kracken IPA

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Bad Brewing Hop Resolution

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bad Brewing Mud In Your Rye
Draft, location not noted. Deep garnet-brown body, thick puffy light brown head. Roasty, dense nose with dusty chocolate, coffee, and spicy grain. Creamy body, ashy and bitter, leafy and inky, mostly roast and milk chocolate. Quite good.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bad Brewing Super D's IPA
Draft, location not noted. Hazy medium straw-orange body, thin clumping off-white head. Nose toasty with herbal hops notes. Nutty, cerealy body, the hops reminiscent of lightly scorched autumn leaves. Dry on balance but had a sweet component too.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bad Brewing Rymarillo DIPA

Monday, September 11, 2017

Bad Brewing Chocolate Covered Coffee Brown
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a semi-dark brown color with a finger’s worth of white foamy head that fell off at a decent pace. The aroma had some coffee beans, roasted nuts, clean caramel/toffee malt base, some dark fruits, milk chocolate, some dark chocolate and some earthy/grassy hops coming across somewhat bitter. The flavor blended fairly well between the roast and the sweet clinging in the aftertaste and riding into the finish. The feel was about medium bodied with a fair sessionability about it. Coffee bean roastiness seemed to meld gently with the malty smoothness. Carbonation felt fine and the ABV felt appropriate. Overall, pretty nice brown ale worthy of having again.
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bad Brewing Chestnut Brown
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a sturdy dark brown color with a good sustaining finger’s worth of white foamy head. Moderate lace. The aroma had some bread, caramel/toffee, roasted nuts, light cocoa powder, light toast. Earthy/grassy hops, light wood and ended with what I thought was some nutmeg. Different, but I didn’t mind. The flavor brought forth the sweet and the roast fairly nice and richly turned it towards the aftertaste. Finish got a little sticky as that spice (if it was the nutmeg) didn’t seem to show any presence. The feel was about medium bodied with a good sessionability about it. Carbonation felt good. ABV felt appropriate. Overall, nice brown ale. Was that really nutmeg in this? Not sure.
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bad Brewing Brothel Brown
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a dark red close to brown color with a thin eggshell white foamy head. Softly dissipated to leave some light stringy lace. The aroma had some roast, nuts, caramel/toffee, light earthy to grassiness. And then allspice? Yes, that’s what I got, a bit weird, and I don’t know if that was intentional, but well, I somewhat liked it. The flavor brought the roast to the sweet fairly nice and lead into the aftertaste fairly nice, which was super light. Some of the allspice entered in the finish. The feel was about medium bodied with a good sessionability about it. Carbonation was there, and the ABV felt appropriate. Overall, pretty good brown ale that I’d have again if I could get it.
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bad Brewing Amber Ale
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a red color with a decent transparency about it. Moderate carbonation could be seen rising and a good white foamy film sat atop of the beer. The aroma had some grassy, earthy and floral hops up front and then a moderate cracker/caramel/toffee maltiness coming forth to blend as it warms. The flavor seemed to blend these prior aromas fairly well, somewhat smooth with a touch of dry sweet, somewhat like biscuits. Decent earthy to malty aftertaste. Slight blend of malts to hops in the finish. On the palate, this one sat about a light to medium on the body with a fair sessionability about it. Good carbonation. ABV felt fine. Overall, I’d say it was a worthy amber ale to have again.
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bad Brewing Belgian Tripel
Reviewed from notes. The appearance was a semi-transparent bronzed golden color with a finger’s worth of white foamy head. It held for a good bit and gently dissipated at a nice pace. Light stringy lace. The aroma softly balanced between bits of some "iced" apples, subtle earthy/grassy hops, mild toast, white bread, some hay, light vanilla, light clove and ends with a little bit of hay. The flavor embraced a nice soft sweetness of the previously mentioned aromas to meld into the aftertaste and riding into the finish. On the palate, this one sat about a medium on the body with a fair sipping quality about it. Sturdy carbonation. ABV felt as projected by the brewer. Overall, first Bad Brewing Company beer for me and it doesn’t disappoint. Would have again.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bad Brewing Chocolate Raspberry Imperial Stout
On tap at Bad Brewing. Strong chocolate raspberry aroma. Smooth and boozy and strong.
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bad Brewing Biere de BAD
On tap at Bad Brewing. Pours cloudy pale. Very yeasty with a hint of sweetness. Nice rounded mouthfeel.
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bad Brewing B.O. Knows Gose
On tap at Bad Brewing. Very light bodied. Not too much salt character and slightly sour.
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bad Brewing Rymarillo DIPA
On tap at Bad Brewing. Solid the background really rounds out the massive hopping.
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Bad Brewing Barrel Aged Maple Porter
On tap at Bad Brewing. Lots of bourbon and wood in the aroma and taste. Quite sweet but well rounded.
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Bad Brewing Mud In Your Rye
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is roasty with some burnt marshmallow and toasted rye. Tastes like huge rye bread with roast and chocolate. Mildly sweet throughout. A tad thin but tasty.
Friday, August 19, 2016

Bad Brewing King Nugget's Double IPA
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is very malty with some brown sugar and bandaids. Tastes so sugary and sweet. Full body. Mild candied citrus hops in the finish. Meh.
Friday, August 19, 2016

Bad Brewing Hop Dancer
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is pine and biscuits. Tastes the same but with for light juicy citrus too. Mild bitter finish. Very solid IPA.
Friday, August 19, 2016

Bad Brewing Hop Resolution
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is super malty and pretty dank. Mostly candied citrus. Tastes like harsh, dank, malty citrus. Meh.
Friday, August 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Chocolate Covered Coffee Brown
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is nice fresh coffee beans with mild chocolate. Tastes the same with a mild bready malt base. Thin body. Good and easy to drink.
Friday, August 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Kracken IPA (Chinook)
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is herbs and biscuits. Tastes the same. Liked the regular version much better but this is still decent.
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Kracken IPA
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is dank citra hops with maybe some Amarillo too? Tropical fruit, dank, biscuits, flowers and very light caramel. Tastes pretty the same. Tropical fruit and biscuits mostly. Smooth. Very good.
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Barley Wine
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is huge caramel candy, moderate dank hops, toffee, and light chocolate. Tastes delicious. Mild bourbon complements the huge caramel and toffee candy flavors. Not overly sweet. Hops provide a touch of bitterness. Great barleywine. Based on some old rates I’ve seen and heard about I’m guessing these guys have their shit together now. This is excellent
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Old Balls - Bourbon Barrel
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is big toffee, mild caramel and mild dark fruit. Tastes like a toffee bomb. A touch thin and watery. Not much barrel really. Good overall.
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Strawberry Rhubarb Belgian Tripel
Tap at the brewery. Aroma is mushy banana, bubblegum and mild strawberry. Tastes a bit watery. More like a hefe with a touch of strawberry. Can’t believe this is 10%. A bit bland but certainly not bad.
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Sunrise Citra
Tap at the brewery. Great citra aroma that has strong pineapple with some peach, citrus and pine too. Tastes like biscuits and pineapple. Mild pine and peach in the finish. Really nice.
Friday, June 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Vanilla Stout
Bottle... This beer rocks!... Pours black with a fleeting, tanned head. The aroma is a lovely m?lange of vanilla, milk chocolate and premium bourbon accompanied by a note of pouch tobacco. Full-bodied with a creamy mouthfeel and kicked-back carbonation. The flavor is deeply roasted and bold - vanilla and chocolate bomb. Lengthy, carbonic, delightfully warming finish. Apparently, another year in the bottle really helped this beer. Unexpectedly excellent. World-class imperial stout!
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Bad Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Apple Ginger Cider
Pour on tap at the brewery, clear yellow-gold pour with thin to no head, aroma brought notes of big apple, oak, vanilla, ginger, hints of spice, slight dry fruit notes. Taste was a mix of nice ginger, vanilla, oak, bourbon notes with some slight caramel, hints of apple, apple peel, finishing with a mix of sweet and dry. Very nice.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bad Brewing Hop Dancer
Pour on tap at the brewery, hazy golden orange pour with white head, aroma brought notes of bread, biscuit, some dank notes, some orange, hints of pine, slight lemony notes. Taste was a mix of dank, lemon, some orange into a bit of bread, biscuit, hints of earth, finishing bitter.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bad Brewing Hop Resolution
Pour on tap at the brewery, hazy dark orange-red pour with white head, aroma brought notes of caramel, toffee, hints of slight spice, bitter grassy, herbal notes. Taste was a mix of earth, grass, herbal notes, slight spice into caramel, toffee, bread, finishing bitter, a bit syrupy.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bad Brewing Imperial Porter
Pour on tap at the brewery, described as whiskey BA imperial porter. Dark brownish black pour with tan head, aroma brought notes of big oak, vanilla, some slight whiskey, hints of a bit of grass, some slight veggie note, touch of cocoa, roast, dark fruit. Taste was a mix of cocoa, roast, coffee, slight dark fruit, hints of oak, slight veggie, finishing fairly sweet.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bad Brewing Barrel Aged Belgian Stout
Pour on tap at the brewery, dark brownish black pour with tan head, aroma brought notes of booze, slight veggie, hints of cocoa, dark fruit, anise, hints of roast and coffee. Taste was a mix of coffee, dark cocoa, hints of dark fruit, anise, slight booze, oak, finishing sweet, boozy.
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Cinnamon Apple Cider
Pour on tap at the brewery, clear golden yellow pour with thin to no head, aroma brought notes of big sweet apple, lots of honey, apple juice, slight cinnamon. Taste was a mix of big cinnamon, apple juice, some honey, vanilla, touch of apple peel, finishing sweet, spice.
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Closed Curtains
Pour on tap at the brewery, dark brownish black pour with tan head, aroma brought notes of big pine, dark chocolate, orange, hints of slight coffee, roast, slight dark berry notes as well. Taste was a mix of dark fruit, dark berry, some cocoa, roast, and coffee into citrus, some slight grassy and pine, finishing bitter. Pretty tasty.
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Old Balls Olde Ale
Pour on tap at the brewery, hazy dark reddish pour with off white head, aroma brought notes of brown sugar, cocoa, slight caramel, toffee, hints of slight spice, hints of dark fruit as well, booze. Taste was a mix of dark fruit, caramel, toffee, molasses, hints of spice, slight oak, booze, finishing sweet.
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bad Brewing Zeus Harvest IPA
Pour on tap at the brewery, hazy golden pour with white head, aroma brought notes of lemon, grass, citrus peel, hints of grain, slight earth, biscuit, bread. Taste was a mix of orange, lemon, grass, slight biscuit, finishing slightly bitter. Pretty tasty.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Brothel Brown
Pour on tap at the brewery, dark reddish brown pour with off white head, aroma brought notes of nuts, caramel, toffee, toast, slight spice, grass. Taste was a mix of grass, orange, toast, nuts, some caramel, toffee, finishing slightly sweet.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Imperial Pumpkin Rye Porter
Pour on tap at the brewery, dark brownish black pour with khaki colored head, aroma brought notes of cocoa, roast, vanilla, slight spice, cinnamon, touch of pumpkin, slight coffee. Taste was a mix of cocoa, coffee, vanilla, sweet dark fruit, cinnamon, slight pumpkin, touch of roast, finishing sweet, spicy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Chinook Harvest IPA
Pour on tap at the brewery, clear golden pour with white head, aroma brought notes of grass, soap, pine, slight fruit, hints of biscuit. Taste was a mix of grass, bread, slight pine, some soap and spice, touch of citrus, finishing slightly bitter.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Lucy's Pumpkin Spice
Pour on tap at the brewery, hazy golden orange pour with white head, aroma brought notes of spice, cinnamon, bread, biscuit, caramel, slight veggie, hints of vanilla. Taste was a mix of caramel, toffee, spice, cinnamon, clove, some slight pumpkin, veggie, finishing fairly sweet, slightly spicy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bad Brewing Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Vanilla Stout
Syrupy and sweet. Lacks balance. Vanilla note overrides the bourbon. The bottle says there are eight malts, which seems both excessive and totally reasonable, but none of them stand-out and thus none of them tell a story. Major flaw is the heat at the end - not medicinal, but more harsh than warming. I wouldn’t expect a beer this big to have this heat after being laid down for a year, and I doubt laying down another year in the bottle would help. Overall I think this one needs some work.
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bad Brewing Barrel Aged Maple Porter
22oz bottle - 1 of ~100 made. Aged in Journeyman barrels, per the brreer’s notations. 10% ABV (even). Cloudy brown hue with a low, tan head. Sweet chocolate maple nose & flavor. A little thin bit tasty - especially for a porter.
Sunday, September 20, 2015