Ramapo Valley Brewery Reviews

Ramapo Valley My Beethoven Maibock
Aroma of yeast and grains with a hint of malt. Clear golden color not much head. Sweet taste of grain with a light body. Pleasant taste with a sweet grainy finish.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ramapo Valley Suffern Station Porter
In short: An oxidized cardboard flavoured dark ale. Bad bottle
How: Bottle 12oz. Age unknown. Consumed 6 months after purchase but I suspect this is old stock
The look: Dark redish-mahogany body topped by a large beige head
In long: Cardboard on the nose. This is oxidised. Over the top carbonation, burnt cardboard and ferrous notes is pretty much all I got from this bottle. By trying very hard I detected some chocolate. I bought the bottle in a little beer store in Princeton and drank it six months later but by the taste of it I suspect this bottle had been sitting on the shelves of this little quiet store for a very long time. Looks like Princeton University in not a drunk partygoers hang-out. Who would have thought.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
really not beer. low body apple sweet and mildly like vinegar. strong honey taste is not complementary to the whole presentation. demonstrative yes, it demonstrates bad beer.
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ramapo Valley Indian Pale Ale
Deep amber coloured body with a strong copper tint and a nice tan head that tops the beer nicely and stays afloat for quite a while. Aroma of malt, toffee, nuts and a decent amount of hops. Medium-bodied; Strong chewy taste of malt, caramel and a fresh dose of hops. Aftertaste full of hops and pine cones, along with some alcohol, nuts and even a pit fruit or two...or a raisin. Overall, a nice IPA - a bit malty and full-bodied to be refreshing in the summertime, but all-in-all, good hops and a good malt balance. I sampled this twelve ounce bottle purchased from Oliver’s Beverage in Albany, New York on 18 September 2006.
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Super clear very light golden coloured body with absolutely no head nor bubbles or any sort of life. Funky aroma of malt, vinegar, lemon zest, rice and a faint bit of sugars. Light-bodied; Strong carbonation up front with a very very mild malty flavour and a short taste of honey. Aftertaste shows a lot of water with some light sweetness going on. Overall, a pretty bad beer...but kind of to be expected. This one really isn’t worth trying, but then again, I’d try another one from them if I could find it! I sampled this twelve ounce bottle purchased from Oliver’s Beverages in Albany, New York on 08-April-2006 on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ramapo Valley Suffern Station Porter
Pitch black coloured body with a thinnish off-white head. Aroma of roasted malt, coffee, nuts, chocolate and a light grapeyness. Medium-bodied; Strong roasty maltiness up front with a large amount of sweetness and a short nuttiness which fades off fast. Overall, a decent beer - not enough flavour and body to be really good. Very nice to try though...since its a small production. I sampled this 12 ounce bottle purchased at Oliver’s Beverage in Albany, New York on 26-December-2005.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Bottle. Pours weak yellow with an aroma of mineral spirits. Flavor is a weird paint mixture with a bizarre fruit essence. Average mouthfeel. Forgettable.
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
[bottle - 12 oz] Clear and pale yellow with not much head. Some small amount of bubbles. Aroma is candy sweet with hints of honey and some molasses. Flavor is about two seconds worth of honey sweetness, then nothing. The flavor disappears quickly and leaves an aftertaste of watered-down whiskey and plastic. A mead? Not quite sure about that.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
bottle. pale yellow almost no head. honey and molasses aroma. thin body, high carbonation, cheap white wine flavor. im glad i hauled this one home from ny. foulness in a bottle.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Bought this on the specialty shelf, would never have guessed this was a mead. I bought it thinking it was gluten free beer. Pale yellow ubiquitous appearance. Smells like whiskey and water. A little carbonation on the palate, never knew meads had carbonation. Taste is like watered down immature homemade dago wine, with a little fizz. Finish is like whiskey and water on melted ice.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Has a twist off cap with the words "gluten free" tagged on it. Pours a goldeny gold with a goldish tinge. Smells like weird. Tastes like a light lager with some extra sweet and sour sauce in it. I guess it’s ok, but usually this is the kind of novelty item that I would PASS OVER. Haha! Get it?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Yeah. I bought it for the novelty. Pours a clear gold with a decent sized white head at first that falls fairly quickly. Also there are some massive chunks of sediment that I did not expect to have in the bottle, so they ended up in my glass as I just poured everything in. Oops. Nose is like melted or burnt plastic. There is a touch of honey there, but not enough to impress. Flavor is like tart honey and lemon juice. Horrible. I doubt I get through two sips of this. Feel is thick with huge bubbles on it. I almost want to say this tastes like cheap champagne. Not drinkable at all. Avoid. This may have been supervised and blessed by a rabbi, but I doubt that God is going to be giving His thumbs up.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ramapo Valley Indian Pale Ale
Date: 09/01/2006
Mode: Bottle
Source: Trade

clear dark red, big beige head, touch of lace, slightly oxidized malt aroma with light floral hops, nicely bittered dry carmel malt flavor,

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 7/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 5/10; Overall: 11/20
Rating: 3/5.0
Drinkability: 6/10
Score: *4

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ramapo Valley My Beethoven Maibock
Name: Mai Bock
Date: 05/05/2005
Mode: Bottle
Source: Ale Atlanta

dark amber, candy sweet malt aroma, big sweet malt flavor, light bitterness in the finish, grrat bock

Aroma: 6/10; Appearance: 5/10; Flavor: 6/10; Palate: 5/10; Overall: 13/20
Rating: 3.1/5.0
Score: **+/4
The score was calculated based upon the notes and an old scoring system.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
12 oz bottle. I picked up a few of these for a gluten-intolerant friend... she then accused me of trying to kill her. Goddamn, this stuff is nasty. Hazy pale amber. Rancid aroma of motor oil, dirty fusely higher alcohols and cheap honey. Flavour is cidery, band-aidy with notes of burned rubber. So many off-flavours that it’s tough to decide whether or not to list them or just let the numbers speak for themselves.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
I really want to hate this but I can’t. It’s actually very striking to look at ... crystal clear golden with a frothy head and great (if quickly escaping) carbonation. Looks like a Martinelli filtered apple cider. Nose of floral hops and honey. Taste of floral hops and honey and apple ... if not for the hops I would have thought this was hard cider mixed with mead. OK mouthfeel. Actually drinks OK for a mead, pretty disappointing for a lager.
Friday, August 17, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Blah...what the heck is this? Aroma was very weak but of metal. Pour was a medium yellow with no head. Taste was tart and medium carbonated. Wheaty with some sweetness (the honey?) in the aftertaste. I may not be fair in this rating seeing how I now see this is a mead. I’ll re-rate
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
I thought this was terrible. It had a mild aromoa of cherry and it poured very pale yellow. It seemd to come off as too sweet and had no complexity. I really did not get it!
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ramapo Valley Suffern Station Porter
bottle. has a lovely ruby brown color with a two inch fluffy head. aroma is dry, smells like burnt malt, coffee and chocolate. taste is rich with a medium palate. nice toasty malt flavor with some dark chocolate. it contains a somewhat lactic quality that makes the beer reminiscent of chocolate milk. nice and dry very english styled, it’s laking that touch of hop bite on the end that i wish it had.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ramapo Valley Copper
hazy amber color, slightly musty aroma, nice white foamy head Tastes of pine, crisp hopiness, slight maltiness. Better than a 26% percentile.
Monday, April 23, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
12 oz bottle-pours a fizzy, quickly dissipating white head and yellow/gold color. Aroma is sweet apple, a little vinegar. Taste is sweet apple cider, faint flat hops. OK carbonation.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
(12oz bottle) The good news is getting to try my first beer ever during Passover. The bad news is that I’ve tried three gluten-free beers previously so my expectations are really low. Crystal clear apple juice body with rapidly diminishing off-white head. Aroma is medium sweet, grape, light honey. Taste is medium sweet, grape, some apple, light honey, syrup. Light body with light crispness. The best of the gluten-frees that I’ve tried, but certainly not one to seek out unless you need to avoid grain.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ramapo Valley Copper
From a bottle I got at a local grocery store. This poured with a very very large head. When I popped the cap, it was relatively loud. Even my large tulip glass could not handle all the head. The body is dark copper with a dark khaki body. The aroma is sweet with pancakes and cherries. There is also a little bit of sweat socks. The taste is very dry with hints of nasty pear cores and some bell pepper. There is a weird sweet note through this one. Not too bad.
Friday, March 30, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Bottle. This is definitely a mead and not a beer even though the label calls it a beer. Overwhelming carbonation. I like it but I’m probably biased as my son has Celiac and this is one of few beers that he can drink.
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Pale Gold with White Ring. Sweet Diluted Honey Aroma. Clean Crisp Mouthfeel. Bittersweet Honey with a Light Dry Hop Aftertaste...Overall Tang Present...Similiar to The Aftertaste From Schweppes Ginger Ale.
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
I’m enjoying this, its got a very simple and clean taste with a honey taste that is pleasant enough. its got good carbination that makes this very drinkable
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Pours yellow/gold with a nice white head and minimal carbonation. Smells of honey, nuts, wildflowers and sugar. Tastes mildly bitter and tangy with light honey elements.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
What the heck is Passover yeast? Pours a clear gold, with no head but decently carbonated. Sweet honey-grapey aroma, more wine like than beer like, no hops in the aroma. Mildly sweet honey flavor balanced by some hop bitterness in the finish. There is a dryness in the aftertaste - from the molasses? Thinner body, very light carbonation. I have often wondered about a hopped mead. This satisfied my curiosity.
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Very light honey aroma. Light golden color. Thin palate for a mead. Strong tangy flavor--slight tartness is interesting. Reminds me of a sparkling cider--not a mead.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
12 oz bottle purchased at John’s Grocery in Iowa City, IA. Clear golden color with lots of bubbles and a white head that dissipated quickly. Fruity aroma most akin to apple juice. There is also a touch of biscuity malt. Sweet throughout and effervescent. Tastes of apple juice, honey, andwatered down white. there is also a strange metallic note.
Sunday, January 7, 2007

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
get some grapes in the aroma.Pours very light gold with no head.Light fruit and malt in the flavor.Medium mouthfeel with a slight sour finish.
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ramapo Valley Suffern Station Porter
I do like a good porter! And this one has quite a lot going on in it. It looks like a porter and pretty much smells like one (although this one has a more muted aroma than many). The flavor is rich malts with coffee and chocolate and in the mouth the feel is very creamy and smooth. The beginning of the glass is mostly sweet malt but the middle brings some tartness giving a nice balance. Lots of roasted flavors can be found and even some maple. This is a really good porter with plenty of character.
Friday, December 29, 2006

Ramapo Valley Raze Ale
12oz bottle. Poured a medium orangish color with a smaller sized off white head. Aromas of some raspberries and grain. Tastes of watered down raspberry juice (not that I’ve ever had a glass raspberry juice) mixed with watered down apple juice. Did I mention this was watery. Nasty tasting. Thin body. On the way to pour this out.
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Golden color with a large head. Looks very carbonated, just a little shy of Champagne. Dry, musty honey aroma. Predominantly honey in the flavor with a bit of citrus. Dry finish. Not terrible, but nothing I’d drink again.
Monday, December 4, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Bottle. Golden amber with no head. Slight honey aroma. Lemony, honey flavor. Low carbonation. Lingering citrus and honey. Medium bodied. A bit sweet.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
12 oz. bottle. Pours a clear, pale gold with a fizzy head that disappeared quickly. As the beer was poured, it reminded me more of a glass of soda than a glass of beer, or mead in this case, including the effervescent, fizzy head. Trace aroma of honey and yeast. The flavor reminded me of lychee nut soda. As the beer warmed, the honey flavor became more pronounced, but by then I had already decided I wasn’t going to be finishing this one. Down the drain it goes!
Friday, November 10, 2006

Ramapo Valley Copper
12 oz. bottle labelled "Copper Ale". Pours a clear copper (duh!) color with an energetic off-white head. This beer is definitely a very slow pour if you want to keep it all in the glass. Very effervescent. Light but pleasant aroma of malt. Not really all that flavorful. There’s some malt and also something close to unsweetened iced tea. Bitter finish. I enjoy brown ales, but I think if offered the opportunity, I’d pass on this one. There are much better choices out there.
Thursday, November 9, 2006

Ramapo Valley Raze Ale
Labeled RAZZ ALE-Big syrupy raspberry aroma-very sweet, out of balance sugary flavor-raspberry is artificial tasting like a syrup or jam-no wheat to be found only cereal graininess-6 pack i bought was very inconsistent-most pours had no head whatsoever others had some-some bottles were filled below the neck-others not-not a good buy-ive brewed raspberry ales 10X better than this...
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Ramapo Valley Copper
Bottle. Clear copper to brown with a fizzy/sudsy cream colored head and some small floaties. Malty sweetened cereal nose. Flavor of caramel to light coffee malts, with some bitterness in the background and the finish. A trace of that salty brown ale vegemite yeast flavor, but not too bad. Not really a brown ale fan to begin with, and this does not change my preference.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
This is mead so let me think of other meads I’ve had. This one is on the watery side but its has a sweet candy honey flavor that reminds me of those plastic honey treats they sell in Amish country. It doesn’t have a very smooth palate and is rather wet. I could probably drink this beer in one sip. It reminds me of woodchuck. And I was scared with how quickly the cap flew off. If they added more carbonation and depth to this beer, it would rock but gotta follow the religious holiday rules and have something for people allergic to gluten, eh? I can’t finish this product at the moment-it seems too sweet and molassy.
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Thanks to Degarth. Pours a deep golden color, white head that dissapears. Aroma reminds me of a mead. First taste this is gross, it taste like a weak ass mead. Just vial, the slight nasty sweetness is gross, it actually leaves a very warming alcohol feel in my body, this beer is starting to scare me. You couldn’t get me to drink this again it’s really grossing me out. Total drain pour.
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Cold 12oz bottle: Pours a clear golden orange color with a moderate amount of fizzy ivory bubbles mostly around the edges. Aroma and taste are of honey, subtle yeast, molasses and light fruits. Very carbonated and effervescent. Bubbly and sweet ending.
Friday, October 13, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Bottle: Clear golden color with a thin white head, huge sweet honey aroma, starts and ends very sweet and sour, thin bodied, sharp explosive carbonation, ends with a lingering sweetness.
Friday, October 13, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
The aroma is sweet with plenty of honey and a little bit of yeast. The appearance is pale gold with a LARGE white head. The flavor is sweet from honey with some citrus and sour elements. The palate is thin but not unlike most meads. Shalom.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Thanks to Degarth for this one. Medium tan with almost no head....just like a Jewish housewife in Florida lol! Aroma of honey, model glue, slight caramel malt. The taste was astringent, very tart, with slight fruit, hopcitrus, and some tangy yeasty notes. It stayed tart and sour and never really resonated with my palate.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
New in town. Bottle from Beer World of Largo. <!-- P --> Aroma is very faint and comprises of a mostly sweet, but mainly indiscernible, smell. Looks a little meadish with its still golden body, but works up a very un-mead like head that gets a full pinky thick before fading away quickly. Plain and watery fore is followed by some chemically tart sweetness. Finish is sour and dry. Tastes like a still, cheaply made, champagne. Really not up my alley.
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
This is the first product I have had from this brewer. Sampled from a 12 oz brown bottle this beer poured a pale straw color with a huge sizzling white head that quickly fades. The aroma is sweet and tangy with a hint of citrus. Very champagne like. The flavor is dry and spicy on the front. The middle is lightly sweet. The finish is again dry and spicy. Tastes a lot like dry champagne.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ramapo Valley Suffern Station Porter
Pour is a dark black with a small tan head. Aroma is very roasty and malty. Some chocolates show up. Flavor is very sweet chocolate with some coffee. Probably not as overwhelming as some porters in the flavor department but still has its qualities.
Friday, August 11, 2006

Ramapo Valley Copper
In the bottle from HyVee Council Bluffs. New label and being marketed as simply "Copper Ale" now. Pours a cloudy brown with large floating chunks of debris. A muddy beige foamy head that errupts out of the glass due to excessive over-carbonation. Has an earthy, dirty astringent aroma. The flavor has a strong tartness that is not pleasant. In fact, a vinegar sourness. This beer has turned. Rancid. Down the drain.
Sunday, August 6, 2006

Ramapo Valley Passover Honey Beer
Pours like fizzy apple juice, leaving no head after fizz dies back. This matches the aroma, which is like a cross betwen apple juice and honey with a bit of a malt liquor like backdrop. Taste is sweet and cider-like but with a bit of a sour bite at the end... a little bit of a vinegar character. I won’t be back here any time soon.
Saturday, July 22, 2006