The Traditional Company Reviews

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Bottle. Clear, light golden in color with just a bare amount of carbonation, no head formation. Smell from the bottle is rather acetic, once in glass the aroma mellows to a sharp, somewhat dry apple aroma with a slight sulfur aroma if I dig really deep. Sharp and tart flavor with a touch of sweet in the middle to balance somewhat. I don’t get much tannin from the American Oak. Fairly pleasant cider.
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
Bottle. Pours still. Very clear light yellow color. Decent apple aroma, slight acetic presence. Very light bodied, tends to be a touch watery. Decent apple flavor with the taste running a bit on the sweet side and just a hint of acidity for balance. Fair.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Juliets Love Dry Sparkling Cider
Highly carbonated,it exploded out of the bottle.Light golden color,medium sized white head that faded quickly.nice apple smell with maybe a bit of pearis qualities,but definately sweet.OMG way to much Carbonation,it’s so carbonated that i think you would almost need to de-gas it a bit just to get a taste you can rate.There de-gassed and tasting much better.Nice light apple taste with a decent sweet side and a very dry finish.It’s well worth a try but beware of the first opening because it’s volcanic and de-gas a bit before tasting,it will improve the over all feel and taste of the brew.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
Good golden color,no head to speak of,the aroma is a nice ripe apple with maybe a slight hint of pear but it’s hard to say on that one.But it definately smells pretty good.Nice apple flavor up front a slight oak side coming through as well.Theres that maybe pear like flavor there as well but again hard to say.There is a faint hint of alcohol towards the end of the tasting,but it’s so faint it’s hardly worth mentioning and won’t detract from the rating or the taste.Over all not bad and well worth a try.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Clear golden color. Crisp apple aroma with subtle pear and vinegar notes. Sweet apple flavor with a very light earth note. Slightly dry finish. I have rather limited experience with ciders, and find them hard to rate, but I found this to be drinkable.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Light amber color,small head that dissipated quickly leaving little behind.The aroma was apple and sort of sweet.the flavor comes off as much the same with a decent apple flavor that is sweet with ripe apple and a mild tart finish.Not exactly a brew i would care to frequent,but it was worth a try atleast once.
Monday, July 5, 2004

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Oh the aroma of rotting fruit. The taste is quite cloying, filtered and prcoessed tasting. Very perfumey aroma, and an astringent pungent finish. Just a terrible cider.
Thursday, April 8, 2004

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Amber pale color, no head, no lacing. The aroma is very sweet with apples but comes off artificial and oversweet. The flavor is perfumery and processed. Cloying finish, some sulfur notes too.
Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Pours a dark golden color, a little thick. Almost no bubbles within. Flavor is a little cloying, almost too sweet with a rotting apple taste instead of the clean, neat flavor of fresh apples. Finishes with a coat of sugar on the tongue and a slight tart acid taste.
Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
Full disclosure: This was my first cider. I have *no* basis for comparison whatsoever. I received it as swag from judging at the OR State Fair Homebrew Competition. I was quite impressed with this little 6.8oz bottle and would like to try more, though, and when I do I assure you that I will be revisiting this fine cider for a more complete review. Otherwise, it poured a nice light-amber color with a fine white head that didn't last at all. Smell was of, hmmm, apples? I really did like the taste, but the best I can do to discribe it is apple juice with a hint of alcohol. Drinkability should likely be higher because I want to enjoy more of this, but at this point I'm going to assume it's average.
Saturday, February 28, 2004

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
Pours a pure golden color, clean. Aroma is crisp and dry, all apples and wood similar to apple juice. Taste is drinkable, a little on the light side, very similar to a lot of commercial bottled ciders like CiderJack. Sweet and dry, easy to drink.
Friday, February 27, 2004

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
I thought this was quite an enjoyable cider. Lots of oak, and a slight apple cider vinegar aroma. Absolutely no head, and a slight bit of fizziness, and not much of an appearance. The flavor is pleasant and not cloying, but not strong enough. Reminds me alot of woodpecker in the respect that it is very dry. Very easy to drink, just a little weak.
Thursday, February 26, 2004

Macbeths Three Witches Hard Cider
Nose was faint, but noticably sweet. Its pour was light amber with minor fizzing. Head was quick disappear. Taste was an enven apple sweetness with no hint of alcohol. Finshed different than any other cider I've ever had, bursting with juicy apples. Overall, pretty good. Worth trying should one come across it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Rogers Semi-Dry Cider
Aroma was typical of "vinyard" variety cider. Subtle scent of barrel aged apples. Pour was darked than most I've tried like this. Quite darker with zero head. Flavor was pleasant, not overpowering. Woody taste clearly present. Finish was rather weak with not much left to savor. Overall, not bad.
Wednesday, January 14, 2004