
Ratebeer Articles by Probiere

 For Lack of a Pun: No Cute Title: Just a Brewpub I’m Lucky to Call My Local
Story by Probiere, Apr 29, 2004

 I Believe Oil Have Another: The beer is flowing at a new brewery in Northwest Pennsylvania
Story by Probiere, Apr 7, 2004

 Steel Alive and Kicking: A town with some history finally gets a microbrewery
Story by Probiere, Mar 24, 2004

RateBeer Authors
3fourths (8)   
40oz (2)   
AceOfHearts (1)   
Admin (1)   
AlabastorJones (2)   
aracauna (3)   
argo0 (7)   
Assurbanipaul (1)   
Aubrey (3)   
Aurelius (2)   
austinpowers (2)   
BeanDip (1)   
beerdedbastard (12)   
Beershine (2)   
BeerVirgin72 (1)   
bierkoning (9)   
billb (1)   
Bitchin (1)   
bitter (1)   
Bov (1)   
Brewboy1 (1)   
Brewers Association (4)   
BückDich (1)   
CheersMate (1)   
ChristianSA (1)   
Chuck Cook (1)   
ClarkVV (4)   
Cliff (1)   
Cobra (13)   
Daniel (1)   
DaSilky1 (1)   

DenverLogan (1)   
DJMonarch (1)   
DocLock (2)   
Dogbrick (6)   
DonMagi (5)   
DrnkMcDermott (1)   
eczematic (1)   
ElGaucho (2)   
Enniskillen (1)   
Ernest (1)   
Fred Eckhardt (1)   
Fukito (2)   
gbzia (1)   
gfb108 (1)   
glkaiser (1)   
grant (1)   
Gusler (2)   
harrisoni (1)   
hennes (2)   
heykevin (1)   
hoppygrrrl (1)   
hopscotch (11)   
Hoser (1)   
Immy (1)   
IslandHaole (3)   
Jake Barnes (1)   
jbrus (4)   
jcalbi (3)   
JCW (2)   
jeffc666 (1)   
jercraigs (13)   
JMerritt (3)   

JoeM500 (1)   
JoeMcPhee (1)   
joet (23)   
JohnC (1)   
JohnWesley (1)   
JorisPPattyn (26)   
jsquire (1)   
Kathy (1)   
Kaya161 (1)   
kmweaver (1)   
krisbierjaeger (3)   
Lou18 (1)   
Love (1)   
lowner (1)   
Luke Nicholas (1)   
mabel (1)   
MartinT (32)   
matta (7)   
mdi (1)   
microdyke (1)   
MilkmanDan (2)   
Mittenstein (1)   
MrRomero (2)   
mullet (2)   
Murphy (2)   
Nate (5)   
Nuffield (6)   
NYHarvey (1)   
Oakes (244)   
OKBeer (1)   
OlJuntan64 (2)   
omhper (4)   

Oristo (1)   
OwenOgletree99 (2)   
P-tor44 (1)   
PhillyBeer2112 (1)   
pivo (4)   
Porsupah (1)   
PorterPounder (1)   
presario (1)   
Probiere (3)   
proc (1)   
Radek Kliber (2)   
Rastacouere (2)   
rauchbier (4)   
richlikebeer (2)   
rodolito (1)   
ross (1)   
rpattinson (3)   
satan165 (2)   
Schroppfy (1)   
shorlin (2)   
SilkTork (28)   
Soonah (1)   
SpringsLicker (2)   
Staff99 (4)   
TheBeerCellar2 (2)   
TheBeerLover (2)   
TimE (2)   
toddlintown (1)   
TonyForder (2)   
VA Homebrewer (3)   
Volgon (3)   
whaleman (1)   

winkle (2)   
wnp22 (1)   
xray (1)   
Zach Diesel (4)   
Beer Reference

How To Rate Beer
Bob shares tips on how to best sample beer.

Beer Style Guide
Oakes' guide to beer's many varieties.

All About Hops
The succinct and complete hop guide.

Beer And Cheese
Notes on pairings from Owen Ogletree

Aroma/Flavor Checklist, ecrvich
Unbeatable for tasting notes when at festivals.

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