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Pit Bull High Gravity Ice Malt Liquor

Brewer: Pigs Eye Brewing Company
Style: Malt Liquor
Alcohol Content: 10.2%
Seasonal: No

Brewed by the City Brewery for Pig’s Eye Brewing Co.
Pit Bull Ice Malt Liquor can be described in two words - Strong & Smooth. Now, you don’t have to sacrifice taste for strength. Pit Bull is one of the highest alcohol malt liquors available, but our special ice brewing process removes the "harshness" found in other brands, resulting in the smoothest tasting malt liquor in the US. We brew with only the finest Red Robust malt, and a special blend of domestic hops - giving you a quality and consistent brew that you can always enjoy. Now.......it’s your turn to let out the "dog"!
Packaged in 6-4-16oz Cans.

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