Passau Beer Guide: Your Passau guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Passau

74 /100 OBERER SAND 1
“Had a few beers and good dinner with weizen-slayer. Over looking the river nice location easy walk from the train. Food was good and had a nice selection of the local beers. Cheers weizen-slayer and thank you for joining for dinner and beers.“
BuckeyeBoy 132 days ago
70 /100
Getränke Degenhart (Beer Store)
“Large drink shop with nice selection of local beers. A lot of crates but buying one bottle of each is no problem. Very good prices, got 17 bottles of local beer for less than 20 Euro. Worth a visit.“
EvNa 321 days ago
70 /100
Altes Bräuhaus (Restaurant)
“Liegt in Mitten der Passauer Altstadt am Römerplatz mit Blick auf die Burg "Veste Oberhaus". Direkt an der Luitpoldbrücke (die die Einheimischen allerdings nur „Hängebrücke“ nennen), die über die Donau in die Ilzstadt führt. Klassisches bayerisches Wirtshaus. Aufgrund des alten Gebäudes (dicke Mauern, kleine Fenster) und der dunklen Holzausstattung wirkt das ganze recht finster. Ich finde das recht heimelig (besonders im Winter) und vor allem gibt es nicht mehr viel Gaststätten die diesem Urtypus entsprechen. Im Sommer empfiehlt es sich aber sowieso (wie immer und überall) draußen zu sitzen. Biergarten / Sonnenterrasse ist vorhanden und wird gerne genutzt. Bei Speisen und Getränken erwarten einen keine allzu großen Überraschungen. Ist alles essbar, meist sogar sehr lecker. Preise sind im Rahmen. Die Biere stammen von Arcobräu aus Moos. Da finde ich nicht alles gut, aber wer sich auskennt weiß, dass die einige Perlen im Programm haben und man einen langen Abend mit leckerem Bier verbringen kann. Vor Corona hatte das Wirtshaus eine recht lebendige Stammtischszene. Weiß nicht, ob die jetzt wieder auflebt. Auch was aus dem Hängebrückenfest wird (das früher jährlich stattfand und bei dem das Alte Bräuhaus der Hauptinitiator war) steht in den Sternen.“
weizen-slayer 1086 days ago
74 /100
Getränke Degenhart (Beer Store)
“Large getranke with bunch of crates all around. Good selection of local beers, also some German beers with wider distribution. No modern craft beers. Buying one of each beer was not a problem. Bill came to around 21 euro for 20 beers. Whiskey seemed to be reasonably priced as well. If in area pay it a visit.“
Iznogud 1356 days ago
“Hier gibt es einiges richtigzustellen, was hier auf Ratebeer recht verwirrend ist. Die Innstadt-Brauerei (gegründet im Jahr 1318 in der Passauer Innstadt) gibt es nicht mehr. Die Brauerei Hacklberg hat den Laden vor ein paar Jahren übernommen und produziert das Innstadtbier bei sich. Auf dem ehemaligen Gelände der Innstadtbrauerei stehen jetzt sehr hässliche Geschäfts- und Wohnhäuser. Selbst wenn man nachts schnell dran vorbeifährt könnte man kotzen. Die Adresse "Bräuhausplatz 3, 94034 Passau/Hacklberg" die hier auf Ratebeer steht, ist die Anschrift der Brauerei Hacklberg (die dort auch ein eigenes Restaurant und einen Biergarten betreibt). Im alten Bräustüberl der Innstadt-Brauerei (ca. 200 m vom ehemaligen Brauereigelände entfernt) ist seit längerem das ital. Restaurant "Venti Tre" (Schmiedgasse 23, 94032 Passau/Innstadt). Das "neue" Bräustüberl (das sich nur "InnBräu" nennt) ist aber auch nicht weit weg. Anschrift: Kapuzinerstrasse 6, 94032 Passau/Innstadt. Hierauf bezieht sich meine Rezension: Anständiges Lokal. Relativ modern für ein Bräustüberl eingerichtet. Bayerisch/österreichische Spezialitäten prägen die Karte. Schmeckt alles. Preise sind OK. Kleiner Biergarten vorhanden.“
weizen-slayer 1425 days ago
76 /100 RENNWEG 2
“Gutes bayerisches Restaurant. Toller Ausblick vom Biergarten aus. Und das hauseigene Bier ist einfach Weltklasse!!!“
weizen-slayer 1433 days ago
86 /100
Getränke Degenhart (Beer Store)
“Einer der größten und besten Getränkemärkte in Passau. Schöne Auswahl, insbesondere an regionalen Spezialitäten. Die Jodlbauer Biere bekommt man nur bei Degenhart. Tolle Öffnungszeiten (Mo - Sa von 8:00 - 20:00 Uhr).“
weizen-slayer 1623 days ago
68 /100 ROSSTRANKE 4
“Die Ursprünge der Peschl Brauerei gehen auf das Jahr 1259 zurück und sie war eines der ältesten noch existierenden Unternehmen in ganz Deutschland. Leider musste die Brauerei 2008 schließen (ein unverzeihbarer Frevel, über den ich mich heute noch aufregen kann). Die Brauerei hatte 2 Brauereigaststätten: Den Peschl Keller (direkt bei der Brauerei) und die Peschl Terrasse (in der Passauer Fuzo). Nur die Peschl Terrasse überlebte und ist (wie alles andere was zur Brauerei gehörte) seit 2008 im Besitz der Aldersbacher Brauerei. Seit dem werden hier nur noch Aldersbacher Biere ausgeschenkt. Die Peschl Terrasse ist eine in jeder Hinsicht absolut bodenständige bayerische Wirtschaft im Herzen von Passau. Hier ist nix "trendy" oder "fancy". Man bekommt anständige Portionen zu einem anständigen Preis. Und das ganze schmeckt auch noch. Grundsätzlich kann man da also nix falsch machen. Zur Starkbierzeit war die Peschl Terrasse früher unser bevorzugter Absturzort. Der Peschl Stephanus (ein heller Doppelbock, sehr süffig und knallte ordentlich) war unsere "weapon of choice" für die fünfte Jahreszeit. Those were the days... “
weizen-slayer 1680 days ago
“Eine in allen Belangen bodenständige und gute bayerische Gastwirtschaft. Aufgrund des tollen Biergartens besonders in den Sommermonaten empfehlenswert. “
weizen-slayer 1694 days ago
64 /100 OBERER SAND 1
“Die Passauer Kneipenszene war legendär. Man wurde von Freunden aus Stuttgart, München und Nürnberg beneidetet. Seit dem Rauchverbot 2010 und dem letzten großen Hochwasser 2013 fand allerdings ein Kahlschlag statt, den nur ganz wenige alteingesessene Kultkneipen überlebten (und neue kamen praktisch nicht dazu). Das Cafe Kowalski (besteht bereits seit fast 30 Jahren) ist einer dieser Überlebenden. Das Publikum besteht hauptsächlich aus Studenten. Gefühlt zu 90 % aus München und anderen preußischen Enklaven. In den letzten 25 Jahren haben die nicht ein einziges Mal irgendwelche Musik gespielt, die ich irgendwie gut finden würde. ABER: Das Essen ist mehr als nur annehmbar, die Preise (insbesondere während der Happy Hour) sind absolut OK und die Öffnungszeiten sind gut. Und in diesen Zeiten, in denen sich alles rasend schnell und ständig ändert, ist eine solche Konstante in der Kneipenszene geradezu erfrischend persistent. “
weizen-slayer 1738 days ago
60 /100
Altes Bräuhaus (Restaurant)
“Brauwirtschaft in der Altstadt. 5 Taps, alle Arco Bräu.“
DrNosha 1827 days ago
“The braustuberl at the brewery. Nice big restaurant with typical German horn orchestra playing good cheerful music. Fine beer and very crowded. Nice atmosphere.“
TEJA 2541 days ago
66 /100 RENNWEG 2
“A nice restaurant with a fine view. There beer and food was fine.“
TEJA 2541 days ago
60 /100 RENNWEG 2
“Passau’s Weiss beer specialists. 4 taps, mostly decent (just couldn’t appreciate their bock). Nice place with good beer-garden.“
Sokolov 2807 days ago
“Nice restaurant with good food & prompt service. Cozy beer-garden. The brewery building is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Beer-wise you get 7 taps, all a bit generic but not bad. Typical "regional" brewery fare.“
Sokolov 2807 days ago
“Visited on 21st April 2014. Got a taxi out from the Hbf as it was a good way out of town. Huge beer garden but we opted to sit inside as the weather wasn’t so good. Lots of the usual wooden seating and decent decor that German brewery taps favour. Decent range of beer, prices good, service was good. Liked the place although not sure I’d rush back as it’s such a hike!“
WingmanWillis 2905 days ago
“Nice place close to the river. Only serves Hofbrau selections. Cash only. Since I only had a limited time, was glad to find this place. Service was very friendly. Very small.“
RobertDale 2977 days ago
“A good walk out from the centre of town, but worth it when you get there. The Hacklberg brewery is a large complex with two buildings and a large beer garded to seat aroound 1000 or more. It was a lovely summer’s evening and the beer was very pleasnt. They had a large TV showing the football, but it wasn’t intrusive. 3 beers available on tap at reasonable prices.“
vshollows 3632 days ago
“Located a little out of town on the far side of the river Inn, The brewery looks a little run down. There is a Italian restaurant on one side of the road which didn’t open until the evening and a little further along on the other side is Inn-brau braustubl. There was a beer garden at the side, We remained inside and had our lunch here. Three beers were available on tap.“
vshollows 3632 days ago
50 /100 ROSSTRANKE 4
“It was a lovely day and all the tables on the verandah terrace were full, so we sat inside. I’m not sure if they were short of staff, maybe someone had called in sick, but service was terrible. There were lots of people complaining. I asked to pay the bill three times without any response, so ended up leaving without paying. Other people need to reviw this place when the staffing levels are correct. 3 beers on tap available. “
vshollows 3632 days ago
64 /100 OBERER SAND 1
“Visited in May. Cafe Bar upstairs in town about 10 mins from Hbf. Listed on Innstadt website as best place for their beers. Quite a nice feel to the place, service good and quick. Range of the Innstadt beers available so ticked off a couple.“
WingmanWillis 3639 days ago
“Very dissapointing. We’d travelled a lot to get to that point, since this is a bit far from the center. And we had to encounter probably one of the rudest service in my experience. Beer is nice, food is good (although portions are pretty small), prices - ok. If you are nearby, come to visit, but travell there specially for that place? Don’t be silly like us. PS: There is a very good beershop close to that place in the brewery, there are very friendly staff and good options in german beers. Go there instead.“
Roublard 3816 days ago
72 /100 RENNWEG 2
“Loved this rambling old place. It’s just as good to sit inside soaking up the atmosphere or outside appreciating the view toward Passau city. Beers were excellent as was the food. Bus 7 or 6121 will take you there (Ries-Rennweg stop)and save a long walk uphill but the walk home was delightful heading down to the city at sunset. Highly recommended place.“
steamfreak 4029 days ago
“The biggest Biergarten we came across, but not the most impersonal or crowded. People are scattered all over the big garden, mostly locals just enjoying their beer and having some food, meeting friends, etc. Service was quick and polite, a bit Eastern European, namely: always taking your empty glass from the moment you’re finished and asking if you want another. For Western European people this might seem rude, but I know it’s good etiquette in Eastern Europe (Czech Rep, Slovakia, etc...). Food was ok, but rather expensive. Did like the buffet style thing, where you could choose your stuff. Did not like them charging for ketchup and mustard bags. That’s just cheap! Probably also Eastern European. In the Biergarten beer choice is limited to about 3 or 4, but they told us we could try more beers inside the brewpub. The whole place had a good feel to it, and should I ever be around Passau again, I’d visit it again. Preferably in summer time. ;-)“
tderoeck 4308 days ago
“Restaurant-cum-bar just up from the new Innstadt brewery, along a hectic little road on the way from central Passau to nowhere in particular. Parking is an art. Modern, stylish and disciplined, smart foody place, a nice contrast to Hacklberg.“
Tim Webb 4356 days ago
86 /100 STELZHOF 1
“Part of a ’green’ project on the outskirts of Passau, also known as the Bio-Wirtshaus and as Stelzhof. Nice terrace and all that but an uberkuhl of ancient and scrubtop inside. Gets some unusual local beers and even the odd Austrian import. Arguably the nicest stop we made on our three-week ride through Germany.“
Tim Webb 4356 days ago
“Pleasant tree-covered biergarten in the summer and a nicely appointed gasthof in winter, all under the edifice that is the Hacklberg brewery. A good place to waste an afternoon or evening.“
Tim Webb 4356 days ago
“You come here to see the gorgeous brewery, although you can’t see it from the garden itself. It is well worth the trip. The beers are pretty nice, especially the unfiltered lager.“
KyotoLefty 4389 days ago
74 /100
Getränke Degenhart (Beer Store)
“Went there because of pivnizub’s recommendation - and that was worth it. Nearly all of Passau’s beers available in one place, no hunting necessary. Big selection of Innstadt, Passauer Löwen, Hacklberg, also Wolferstetter, Hutthurmer... superb selection.“
Quack-Duck 4598 days ago
68 /100 RENNWEG 2
“Brauerei, Gasthof and Getränkemarkt at the top of the hill in a hamlet called Ries, nowadays a part of Passau; cozy, unspoilt interior, nice patio and a small drinks-market easily reachable from the parking; they recently enlarged their beer-range, a Weizen (leicht) and a bottom fermented Kellerbier were added. Nice place!“
pivnizub 4669 days ago
68 /100
Getränke Degenhart (Beer Store)
“Big drinks market in the nothern suburbs of Passau; huge selection of Passau brews plus the usual suspects plus.... Recommended for those, who want to buy all the local beers at o n e place. Good!“
pivnizub 4669 days ago
“(Visited 04/2009): The Hofrbau’s in Passau is located on Schustergasse which is only a block or two from the Danube river port. Not sure about area parking but it is an easy walk although hilly. The place looks like a coffee house from the outside, except for the Hofbrau logo on the sign. The interior is small and maintains the cafe atmosphere. There are yellow walls and small tables in the space. There is also a small counter area but I would not consider it a "bar". Hofbrauhaus beers are the focus here. There are 10 available total, the majority of which are that brand, such as the Dunkles and "Pure" Vollbier. However there are a couple others available as well such as Russen and a Radler. Service was good and the proprietor was very attentive and tried very hard to communicate which was nice since we barely knew enough German to order a beer. She was also a good sport about breaking a large euro note. We did not try any food on this visit. Overall this is a nice little relaxing cafe to enjoy a beer and is worth checking out in the city.“
Dogbrick 4828 days ago
“The huge beer garden, a lot of steps away from the castle-like brewery in the Hacklberg quarter, is the real attraction here. Very popular with locals, bikers and other beer-lovers. Don’t miss it......“
pivnizub 5407 days ago
“It’s important to note that the latest edition of the Good Beer Guide to Germany still has the old address of the brewery, which has relocated down the road. The old brewery space is now occupied by a nice-looking Italian restaurant.

The new brewery tap is an ultra modern but small bar. Lots of stainless steel, that sort of thing. Still feels laid back and traditional, though. Great beers.“
Beershine 5467 days ago
“This place is fun and offered one of the best brewery/brewpub experiences I’ve had. On the most basic level it’s a sprawling complex of impressive and historic buildings. The brewery is giant and on one side of the road, while the restaurant, patio, and gorgeous beer grove (much more a grove than a garden) are on the other. The place oozes atmosphere and the age-diverse crowd was abuzz. Hacklberg has strong ties to the community and is on its own town square (Brauhausplatz). Anyone driving up this road was pulling into the Hacklberg lot.

But there is a lot more than meets the eye. First we noticed a large group of men dressed in blue fraternal regalia. They socialized over beers and smokes, and then at sundown went to a special building behind the brewpub. The entryway to the meeting hall was flanked with torches, and we heard their songs. Then we noticed more signs that Hacklberg is HQ for what could very well be the Bavarian Illuminati (the group did start in Ingoldstadt up the Danube from here). The men’s room had freemasonic symbols that the frauen room did not have. We also observed that the Passau town hall is built on a diagonal, unlike any other building in the old town. It faces out across the river directly at...the Hacklberg complex.“
Beershine 5467 days ago
66 /100 RENNWEG 2
“Located at the top of the hill on the other side of the Danube from the Altstadt, the outdoor patio offers a spectacular Passau panorama. The fresh air is filled with farm aromas (a nice way of saying manure). It’s quiet and like being totally away from the city even though you can walk here from the old town. The inside looked really nice, but we endured the chilly air in favor of the view. The beers were odd, in a farmy sort of way so quite fitting the environment!“
Beershine 5467 days ago
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