Serve in Weizen


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RATINGS: 53   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.32/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
This is a German-style Hefe-Weizen. These ales are cloudy, estery, sweetish and exceptionally quaffable in the summer. Perhaps you notice a banana aroma; the yeast does that. The grain bill consists of 60% German wheat malt with rest being a combination of pilsner and Munich. It starts at 1.055 and is approximately 18 IBU's. Look for the Wheat Cloud to be bottled in early August as our late summer seasonal.

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FROTHINGSLOSH (16042) - GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, USA - OCT 12, 2016
Sampled on draft at the brewpub this beer poured a murky yellow color with a medium sized foamy white head that faded and left decent lacing. The aroma was yeasty, musty and a bit bready. The flavor was bread, honey, yeast and faint notes of orange, phenol and must. Banana comes out as it warms. Long finish. Moderately full bodied. Solid.

alexsdad06 (18007) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 30, 2015
22 oz bottle from backlog notes. Pours a hazy golden color with a thin white head. The aroma and flavor have some banana, bubblegum, pale wheat malts, light spice, thin, seems a little off like the bottle could have been old, either way very average and not worth revisiting.

decaturstevo (6342) - decatur, Tennessee, USA - JUN 14, 2014
Hazed yellow pour with creamy white head and lace. Wheaty malt and clove on the nose. Flavor is clove, coriander, and wheat malt. Medium bodied and fizzy. A bit lighter in color than I would have thought but still pretty good

swoopjones (7018) - Buffalo, New York, USA - AUG 8, 2013
draft at Gene McCarthy’s, pretty much what a hefe should be IMO. Standard banana & clove, touch of lemon. possibly mouthfeel is a tad lighter. Iverall a solid well made hefe

BVery (13631) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - FEB 17, 2013
Tap at the brewpub. Hazy neon yellow pour with a minimal head. Banana and mild yeast, lively carbonation. Pretty tasty.

pottygok (548) - Ohio, USA - OCT 11, 2012
Aroma: Banana and hints of spices--clove, perhaps, and nutmeg? Maybe cinnamon? Appearance: Slightly cloudy gold with thick, white head. Taste: Medium sweetness, straight through. Palate: Medium body, soft carbonation, slick texture, soft finish. Overall: Meh...it’s a decent beer, but not mind blowing.

jmikolich (1486) - North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA - OCT 2, 2012
on tap at Beer Engine 28Sept2012, spritzy is the best way I think of this beer, its bubbly and light compared to most other hefe’s. easily drinkable is right, but leaves more to be desired.

Nephilium (1820) - Cleveland, Ohio, USA - JUL 12, 2012
Big clove and spice aroma, pours a clear light amber with a full white head that quickly fades. The flavor is there with the clove and spice, very little banana is present, with the banana coming out mainly in the finish. Full bodied, with a lingering spice finish. This is an easy drinking beer for a hot summer night.

JStax (10650) - Devola/Marietta, Ohio, USA - JUL 7, 2012
Poured on draft. Pours a mostly clear gold color with just a thin whit puff of a head. Aroma is all cloves and wheat. Taste is a touch sweet with some esters coming through. Finish is a little bit bitter, but mostly clove comes through. Nice hefe, but seems to be lacking some banana.

DrSilverworm (11383) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 27, 2012
22oz bottle (blue label), no idea how old it is... But it’s probably not fresh. Mildly hazy golden color. Virtually no head. Impressively, still a solid hefe aroma. Banana, vanilla, wheat aromas. Slightly tart sweet taste. Smooth, crisp lighter carbonation, dry finish. Pretty respectable hefeweizen. Still certainly good to drink, however old it may be.

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