RATINGS: 13   MEAN: 4.13/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.69/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 360   ABV: 12%
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SanfordBrewer (1854) - Sanford, Florida, USA - DEC 24, 2009
(drought at McNeill’s Tavern, 12%)

very malty, grapish-fruity T1 T2, ^chrcl T3.
the charcoal aftertaste became overbearing.

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - SEP 5, 2006
On draught at McNeills. Pours brown with a light brown head. Smells of spice, dark fruit and some bourbon. Taste is spicy with a nice malty backbone. I wish they bottled this one.

CamdenD (1196) - Madrid, SPAIN - JUL 7, 2006
Fantastic. Wow. Full aroma of alcohol, malt, sweet fruit, and port. The taste does not let you down. This just might be the best barleywine I’ve ever tasted, honestly. Wow. On tap at the Dirty Truth, Northampton, Ma.

egajdzis (10003) - Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 25, 2005
2002... Poured a murky brown, reddish color with a thin, off white head that left light lacing on the glass. Aroma of citrus hoppiness, lots of citrus fruits, sweet malty caramel, raisins, and port. Taste of cherries and other dark fruits, sweet caramel maltiness and a faint bitterness. Dry, light alcohol finish. Amazing!

Eyedrinkale (3213) - Astoria, New York, USA - NOV 1, 2004
’02 version sampled on tap @ brewery. As good of a bw that’s out there. I was lucky to see this on the blackboard and man did I pounce on it. Nicely aged, malty roasted sweeetness in a glass. Nice alcohol kick.

beerbuzzmontreal (3486) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 24, 2004
On tap. The color is between red and brown. Nice aroma of caramel and alcohol. Great, powerfull flavors of alcohol, hops and roastiness. Great barley wine, I wish I would’nt live so far from Brattleboro since McNeil’s is my favourite brew-pub ...

Volgon (2761) - Manchester, New Hampshire, USA - JAN 21, 2004
Extreme Beer Fest 2003: Hazy orange color with no head. It smelled of oranges, full bodied, starts and ends sweet.

dirtymike (2016) - Manchester, New Hampshire, USA - JAN 20, 2004
Extreme Beer Fest '04, Deep copper and cloudy with no head.Sweet,fruity,malty aroma.Malty,caramel,choclate flavor.

OldGrowth (3472) - the Containment Area, North Carolina, USA - JAN 18, 2004
Draft @ extreme beer fest'04: Sign said 3/03 batch. Kinda of a plastic scent with carmel and ABV. Hazy amber color. Carmel, cherry, Chocolate all come to mind. Creamy with a bite, thought the 9% was hidden a bit. Again want to have this a brewpub for a rerate.

ukoolaid (579) - Amherst, Massachusetts, USA - JAN 9, 2004
On tap. Dark red/brown with white head. Aroma is powerful of alcohol and fruit. Taste is super complex with fruit, chocolate, molasses, maltiness, hoppiness, all sorts of stuff. Hold on, I thought I didn't like barley wines. I was WRONG.

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