Back Road Millennium Lager

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RATINGS: 56   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.33/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Relax and go back to a time when things were slower and you didn't even know what millenium meant. Our German style lager is SLOWLY fermented and aged to give it a smooth rich lagered taste. Classic Noble hops and a lager yeast strain are used to impart true European characteristics.

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Onslow (1888) - Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - MAY 10, 2012
Pour from a 12 oz bottle. Medium gold brew with white head. A little cloudy. Good lacing. Aroma of malt, noble hops, hints of spice and crisp fruit. Taste is a fine clean but light maltiness with a very well balanced hops finish. As per the style, taste is not extreme but is clean and well balanced. No hints of corn or rice, and quality hops. A really excellent brew.

dcschiller (2208) - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA - DEC 6, 2010
(12oz bottle courtesy of BBB63). Pours hazy dark yellow with white head. Active carbonation. Aroma of wood, florals, and honey. Taste is sweet with a little hop bitterness at the end. Medium bodied with an oily texture. Finish is bitter, but not over done. As it warms, I get more honey and some ripe melon with a bit of citrus in the hops. This is a pretty nice beer. I would probably search this out if it were available locally.

SrSilliGose (3351) - pouring bus, New Brunswick, CANADA - MAY 27, 2010
bottle. pours a clear yellow with a small white head. notes of grass, hay, toast. some sweet caramelly bread. crisp. good beer. an herbal hop, toasted grainy bread pilsneresque beer. refreshing.

misterbeer (312) - greenwood, Indiana, USA - APR 1, 2010
12 ounce bottle a golden pour -lots of head-taste crisp clean sweet nice lager will drink again

ucusty (2692) - raleigh, North Carolina, USA - OCT 14, 2009
Sample at city wide in S. Bend. Hazy copper pour fluffy off white head and spotty lace.. Light citrus and grassy notes. Dry lemongrass finish

daknole (11050) - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA - JAN 9, 2009
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2009 Wow a lager I actually enjoyed for a change. Slightly cloudy pour with a small head. Yeasty and citrus hit the nose. The flavor is tart, refreshing and almost a bit funky. Very interesting take on a worn out boring style. Cheers.

BlackDonald (1126) - Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA - AUG 10, 2008
A very nice change of pace. Sweet bready notes with some herbal hoppiness. Light to medium bodied and very well balanced. Very clean with a bitter citrusy finish.

Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - APR 8, 2008
Pours a hazy copper with a generous white head. Smells lightly citrussy with some nice straw and hay elements. Tastes tangy and lemony with a lot of grassy notes. Nice dry finish.

Ughsmash (7502) - Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA - MAR 14, 2008
Bottle thanks to Mike! Poured clear, brighter golden with a tall, foamy cap of off-white head. The aroma picked up soft, sweet bready notes accented by pinches of grassy hops and lemon zest.. well-balanced and well-presented. The flavor had a sweet biscuit and pale malty backing with high levels of herbal bitterness and the aforementioned lemon zest.. the spicy, tart finish was very refreshing. Lighter-bodied, well-balanced, and refreshing. I could drink a lot of this over the summer.

iowaherkeye (2703) - Ocean Beach, San Diego, California, USA - MAR 11, 2008
12oz bottle, no date. Clear yellow golden with an ample two finger fluffy barely off-white head, great retention. Biscuity malts with some sugar cookie up front with a little bit of earth and zesty citrus hops in the background to keep it from getting sweet. Unsalted saltine crackers show up after this warms minimally. Flavor is more earthy with no sugar cookie presence--it seems to be all biscuits and saltines. Earthy bitterness lingers in the dry finish and peaks at a 3-4 at the back corners of my tongue. Overcarbonated--the beer just foams in my mouth and takes away from the flavor--with a medium body. It started out great, but went downhill after the aroma.

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