RATINGS: 96   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.34/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
Legend Oktoberfest lager is our most popular seasonal. This brew is red-orange in color, malty but well balanced with noble type hops. It has 5.4% alcohol by volume and is lagered (aged) to create a smooth drinkability. It is most similar in style to a Vienna lager or a Marzen beer. Judicious use of caramelized malt gives this brew a smooth sweetness and deep orange color. It is hopped with American Tettnang, German Hallertau and Czech Saaz.

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GregMooreNH (9353) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - NOV 16, 2022
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2022 Pours clear dark amber with a light tan head. Aroma is caramel, bread and roast. Taste is caramel, moving to bread and roast. Finish matches the taste.

BrettTaylor (784) - Virginia, USA - OCT 6, 2017
UPDATED: OCT 6, 2017 served top cold but has a weird extract like finish. It's appropriately malty, but that strange undercurrent that hangs around on finish kinda ruins things.

jc1762 (2365) - JAPAN - NOV 24, 2016
Thanks altonbrownd for the bottle! Poured into a snifter showing dark caramel brown and sparse foam. Well filtered. The nose is very sweetish-malt forward with hints of tea and biscuits. The palate is light bodied and moderately carbonated. Flavors of straight bready malts with a very light sweetness. No bitterness on the finish. Light zestiness

nasmith003 (252) - Virginia, USA - OCT 8, 2016
Light malt/bready aroma. Minimal head orange/copper color. Medium malt flavor with a pervading sweetness. Hops are present throughout and are well balanced against the malt. Medium body and texture with light carbonation. Fairly clean finish.

altonbrownd (5922) - Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA - FEB 27, 2016
Bottle from Chevy Chase Wine and Liquors. Toffee brown body with thin, white head. Nose is sweet, marshmellows, malts. Taste is butterscotch, and hops and fruit notes. Sweet in the finish. Not my favorite.

Emeister84 (3280) - Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - SEP 30, 2015
Aromas of clay, toast, cocoa. Clear, deep orange-red, the head is off-white, small but mostly lasting. Malty, grapey, some milk chocolate, light earthy hops, very nicely balanced. Medium bodied, very clean, very smooth.

hershiser2 (8177) - Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - SEP 17, 2015
Bottle. Smells of toasted bread and caramel malts. Taste is nutty caramel. Toast. Nice. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

HippieFee (506) - Portland, Oregon, USA - NOV 30, 2014
Bottle - Real nice amber brown color. Malty flavor but no sweetness to it. No real hops bit either but not uncommon for this style of beer.

Butters (4067) - Richmond, Virginia, USA - NOV 18, 2014
Very dark amber copper pour with small faint ring of clearish head. Not as agressively hopped as the bluemountain, and not as vegetal either. Sweet caramel malty nose and flavor. Hint of marshmallows and candicorns in the background. Toffee. Ever so slight noble hop bitterness on the finish. Pretty decent american attempt at the style.

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - NOV 7, 2014
Presentation: It was poured from a brown 12 oz bottle into pint glass. Appearance: The body has a deep copper color with a light haze. It’s head is creamy long lasting and makes some nice lacing on the glass. Smell: The aroma has a sweet toasted bread character with some dried leafy hops. Taste / Palate: It has a mild malty sweetness with a dark bready character through out. I also get some mild cooed vegetable notes in the background. The finish has very mild hop bitterness and dry leafy flavor notes. The carbonation and palate smooth and creamy.

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