Serve in Snifter, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 16   MEAN: 3.99/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.65/5   EST. CALORIES: 285   ABV: 9.5%
Bourbon aged Dreadnaught

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adrian910ss (3145) - Doylestown, PA, Pennsylvania, USA - MAY 6, 2010
On draft at DLD 2006. Pours a clear orange vistalite with a small off white head. Aroma of bourbon, pine, citrus and vanilla. Taste of bourbon, vanilla, pine, citrus and hops. Very nice, but slightly below the regular Dreadnaught.

railcat1 (706) - Kissimmee, Florida, USA - MAY 15, 2006
this is a bourbon aged dreadnaught .a great idea maybe a little to much bourbon but i like it and it was strong.CHEERS to the guys for doing this

sersdf (1038) - chicago, Illinois, USA - MAR 7, 2006
hated this. but i’m not a bourbon fan, and this was heavily bourbon flavored. my friend, on the other hand, liked it a lot more than normal dreadnaught. anyways, it doesn’t taste a lot like dreadnaught to me, but i will admit it was very hoppy. the Broo Doo is a better dreadnaught analog

JoeM500 (1909) - Crown Point, Indiana, USA - MAY 20, 2004
UPDATED: SEP 20, 2004 On again, off again, it feels as though I’ve rated this a dozen times already!!! This was luxurious, silky, creamy with aromas of leather, pine oils, vanilla, oak, alcohol. It was the beer of the year!!! One of the most beautiful beers ever poured into my glass. I scurried out of the brewery with a whole jug one time. Huge alcohol lurked underneath the vanilla-bourbon barrel wickedness. Hops like piney streaks along the sides of the glass waiting to grab you and pull you in. Damn, this was one hell of a beer!

egajdzis (9983) - Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 7, 2004
Poured a dark gold with an off white head and nice lacing. Strong bourbon hop aroma. Taste of bourbon, vanilla, and bitter hops as well with a creamy mouthfeel. This was really good, but I prefer regular Dreadnaught.

BATLMULLET (127) - Highland, Indiana, USA - JAN 2, 2004
This is a mutation of Dreadnaught that has been aged in bourbon barrells. Very big mouthfeel, with Dreadnaught's accompanying sweetness. However, the bourbon character is ever-present. Mellowed with age? Perhaps...but not too much. Definitely not a session beer, but unique.

hotstuff (5394) - Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - DEC 29, 2003
Had this at 3F on 12/27/03. A small sized tan head with fine-large sized bubbles that mostly diminished. The body was cloudy with soft carbonation and a yellow hue. The nose was moderately hoppy and also of bourbon. The flavor was sweet, bourbon and some hop notes. This was a full bodied beer in my opinion and not one that I truly enjoyed.

DavidP (1745) - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - DEC 28, 2003
Mostly sweet aroma with some bourbon notes. Cloudy cider appearance. Caramely sweet flavor with some spicy hop notes. The extreme sweetness cuts way down on the hops and whatever else this beer used to taste like.

Terminus (3784) - Centennial, Colorado, USA - DEC 26, 2003
cask at RBSG 2003-year old aged dreadnaught-im going to keep this basic because i lost my notes from the summer get together. Basically, the hops are mellowed out and the malts are brougth up in the front. wonderful!

MrRomero (1976) - Nolanville, USA - DEC 20, 2003
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2004 RBSG 2003: Nice head atop a brownish yellow body. Big malty notes with caramel. Light bourbon flavor. An excellent beer.

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