RATINGS: 453   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.54/5   SEASONAL: Spring   EST. CALORIES: 237   ABV: 7.9%
From the tradition started by the monks of St. Francis of Paula in 1634 comes this warming beer of rich heritage. A dark, rich lager of sublime complexity and character, St. Victorious is created from multiple German malts. Laborious decoction mashing yields the choicest elements of the malt. Long, cold aging mellows the strong temperament of this subtle beer. Celebrate the end of winter with a warming draft of St. Victorious Doppelbock!

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GregMooreNH (9353) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - DEC 20, 2017
UPDATED: JUN 10, 2018 Pours dark ruby amber with a thick, foamy head. Aroma is caramel and dried fruit. Taste is sweet plum, toffee and caramel. Finish is bittering hop. A decent doppelbock.

Bitterbill (3241) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - OCT 26, 2017
From Aug 2007 Received in a trade with Wasatch. Thanks, John! Best by date on this 12oz bottle is Jan 22 08 and it pours a clear deep amber-brown with a nice large head of foam that lasted right through the session as a solid 1 finger layer and it has plenty of nice lacing. The smell is light to my nose. I'm getting some fruitiness and a bit of roasted malt. The taste is malty and fruity with some roasty flavour and it's very smooth. Further sips in and as the beer warms, I start to taste some fig, raisin, toffee, and dark fruit as well as *some* chocolate. Man, this is a very complex Doppelbock and all the different flavours are working very well together. 8.5%abv, eh? I know the style can get up there but it's very well hidden here. Once again, kudos to Wasatch for sending this one. It's a winner for sure.

trapped (7550) - New York, TURKEY - JUN 29, 2017
Draught @ Whole Foods - Bryant Park. Dark brown with reddish tint, large creamy beige head, caramel aroma, high carbonation, medium bitter caramel malt taste, thin body, long bitter caramel finish. Quite smooth and nice.

jbruner (9257) - Lakewood, California, USA - APR 2, 2017
Pours a deep brownish red on tap with bubbly tan head that leaves moderate lace. Aroma of dark fruits, mild German yeasty esters, and a hint of booze. Taste is more of the fruit and booze, with caramel malts added and a light wheat note. Its a doppelbock, well made, but nothing amazing.

MacNJ (425) - New Jersey, USA - MAR 31, 2017
Poured from a growler (from the source/KS Victory). Nose is booze, dried fruits, and fruit cake holiday cake/dark bread. Appearance is a clear merlot without sediment. Taste is a brilliant trinity of sweet malt, hop bite (like an ESA), and smokiness. Mouth feel is velvety smoothness. A unbelievable beer. Cheers!

PhillyCraft (12824) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 11, 2016
BB backlog, Bottle, Amber red color with a medium head. Flavor is lots of german malt, bread, light spicing, and pine hops. The malt was strong in this one. Some caramel and hay as it warms up. Light to medium mouthfeel. Alright

IndianaRed (8632) - Boise, Idaho, USA - JUL 28, 2016
On tap at BitterCreek Alehouse Clear deep redish town modest tan head great Woody brown sugar carmelizes malt aromas and flavors. Woody slight bitter bite. Smooth and rich. Great example of a great style.

GenDV138 (9211) - Falls Church, Virginia, USA - JUN 2, 2016
4 oz pour on draft at City Tap House during the SAVOR Week event. Clear dark amber with beige head. Aromas of malt, caramel, dark fruit, light spice. Tastes of dark fruit, caramel, malt, light spice. Medium body with a dry finish.

solidfunk (20081) - Washington D.C., Washington DC, USA - JUN 1, 2016
Light coffee and lots of caramel. Light sweet finish. Brown pour with good head and lacing. Decent balance. Fairly sweet finish. Tap at city tap house.

commonmac (2304) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - MAY 25, 2016
Tap at the brewpub in Downingtown, PA. Half pint. Commomshawn, rosskyle, and samadouche in the house. Darker amber and brown cola coloring. Nose is soft caramel and toffee with a slight toasted nutty quality. Taste is on the sweeter end initially with a burnt sugar and caramel feel. Medium body with an alcohol punch without burning the doppel bock. Bready with some roasty malt notes. It’s pretty decent...definitely come out victorious in some minor PA battles.

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