Vale Brewery Reviews

Vale Black Beauty

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Vale Fork Handles
Cask at Hampton Beer Festival. Dark gold on pour, with off-white lacing. Spiced fruit aromas and a heavy citrus tang on taste. Long, dry finish.
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Vale Black Beauty Vanilla Porter
Cask at The Justice Mill, Aberdeen. It pours darkest brown to black with a medium fluffy white head. The aroma is dark roasted malt , charred action, bitter - sweet, vanilla, chocolate cake, vanilla, caramel and toffee. The taste is dry, bitter - sweet, charred, burnt toast, umami, cacao nibs, dark chocolate, treacle, malt loaf, dull vanilla and toasted fruit cake with dry, toasty finish. Average body and fine, fluffy carbonation. Decent stuff.
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Vale Fork Handles
Cask conditioned at the White Rabbit, Oxford. Straw colour with white head. This proved to be a light and fruity beer from the start. Citrus notes along with peach hints and some guava. It's okay.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Vale Black Beauty
Cask pint at the Assembly Rooms, Epsom. Pours dark ruby with a beige head. Aroma of roast malt and chocolate. Chocolate taste. Bitter finish.
Friday, May 3, 2024

Vale Black Beauty Vanilla Porter
02Aug2023 Fruity, dark roast malts, dried, dark fruits, candied plum. Hazy, very dark brown, small, creamy, beige head. Light bitter. Bitter, dark roast malts, cacao, chocolate, burnt molasses, dark, dried fruits, soft carb, full bod. Very nice, great aroma. Cask at GBBF22.
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Vale Black Beauty
Cask at Briar Rose, Birmingham. Pours a dark brown-mahogany with small tanned head. It was very roasty in flavour with coffee and liquorice coming through as well as chocolate, smoke and a touch of berry sour. Just about enough sweetness amongst the bitter roast to balance. Rich, medium bodied. This one doesn't hold back in terms of the style- a bit underrated I think.
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Vale Hoptimist
[Cask at the Back of Beyond (JDW), Reading.] A bright pale amber pour with a tight white head leaving lots of lacing on the glass; fresh English hop aroma; smooth bready body with a dry hoppy taste; then some sweet bready malts and fruity hedgerow hops to finish. Very tasty.
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Vale Black Beauty
Cask at the Duke of St Albans, Highgate on 23rd April 2024. Deep sepia black with tan foam and scant lacing. Rich and intense coffee roast malt aroma. Lush roasty malts in-mouth with woodsmoke and coffee. Lasting roasty finish. Full bodied with a smooth mouthfeel.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Vale Black Beauty
Cask, 1/2 pint at The Rake, Borough Market. 20.4.24 Mahogany brown, with a tan head. Medium mouthfeel. Aroma of malts with chocolate (slight) in the background. Taste of dark malts, hint of chocolate.
Sunday, April 21, 2024

Vale Black Beauty Vanilla Porter
Cask at JDW, Cambuslang. Dark brown with a creamy off white head. Vanilla and coffee aroma, flavour is coffee and chocolate, with a fruity aftertaste
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Vale Gravitas
Cask pint at J J Moons, Ruislip Manor. Pours clear golden with a white head. Aroma of malt. Malt taste. Dry bitter finish.
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Vale Santa’s Ale
Draught (Bricklayers' Arms, Luton) (7:4:7:4:13=3.5) Mid amber, small loose head. Lovely caramelly malty aroma. Nutty bitterness in the taste. Soft palate, just how you want a real ale to be. Twiggy and nutty finish, lovely!
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Vale Maybe Next Year?
[Cask at the Hope Tap (JDW), Reading.] A slightly hazy amber pour with a tight cream coloured head; malty aroma; fruity malt taste; then a woody herbal bitterness leading to a very dry finish.
Monday, January 29, 2024

Vale Tickety Brew
[Cask at the Back of Beyond (JDW), Reading.] Bright amber pour with a tight creamy head; malty aroma; smooth and creamy in the mouth with a fruity malt taste and a light hedgerow hop bitterness; then a biscuity malt finish. A gentle old-fashioned malty bitter.
Friday, December 1, 2023

Vale Red Kite
--Cask at Queens Head, Kings Cross, London. -- Clear copper colour, small head. Intense toasty nose with raisins and leafs. Mid sweet with light to medium body and well rounded mouthfeel. Intensely roasty with leafs and hay. Long bitter finish.
Friday, November 3, 2023

Vale Brill Gold
Cask at The Park Tavern, Eltham. Gold pour with a white head. Orange toffee, peach & tangerine aromas. Orangey flavours, bitter malts. Good easy drinking ale.
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Vale Something Wicked
Cask at The Park Tavern, Eltham. Copper coloured pour with a white head. Nose is toffee apple, red fruits, malts. Taste is orchard fruits, toffee, malty bittersweet action. Nice.
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Vale Pale
Keg at Live & Let Live, Cambridge. Pours straw yellow with a white cap. Pale malts, fruit, light citrus aroma. Light to moderate sweet & bitter, cereal, again some citrus. Light to medium body with soft carbonation. Basic but fine
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Vale Red Kite
Gravicask, half, 4.3 % abv, at St Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Deep ruby dark body, off-white head, fair lacing. Slightly roasted brown malty nose, hints of fruits. Caramel-fruity flavours followed by a bittersweet finish. Decent, easy to drink. (St Albans, 27.09.2023).
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Vale Pale
Draught, one-half, shared with Finn at St Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Stable, bubbly white head, lacing rings down the glass, and a clear late straw coloured body. Moderate malt-fruity aromas. Blended malt-fruity flavours, ripe citrus, mango, and cereal malts. Rounded malt-fruity ending. Quite alright. (St Albans, 27.09.2023).
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Vale Skyhopper
Draught, one-half, shared with Finn at St Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Decent white head leaving lacing rings down the glass, cloudy golden body. Moderately apricot on the nose. Dough fruity flavours joined by caramel malts. Rounded ending. Satisfying. (St Albans, 27.09.2023).
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Vale Lock Prop and Barrel
Gravicask, one-half, shared with Finn at St Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Slightly unclear mahogany coloured body, dotted spots on the glass, filmy layer. Brown malty aromas, mid-sweet, promising. Flavoured with caramel malts, bread, and some impacts of ripe fruits. Mid-dry bittersweet end. Decent. (St Albans, 27.09.2023).
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Vale Best Vale IPA
Half-pint, gravicask at St Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Shared with Finn. Clear copper-amber body, bubbles on the surface, clingy lacing. Promising caramel-fruity aromas. Well blended taste of leafy hops, caramel, and earth. Bittersweet ending, semi-dry. Well crafted. (St Albans, 27.09.2023).
Friday, October 6, 2023

Vale Black Beauty
Cask at St Albans Camra Beer Festival 2023. Pours deep brown with a beige to tan cap. Light coffee, roasty aroma. Taste is chocolate, liquorice, little sour note. Thin body with light carbonation. Lovely stuff. Always enjoy trying the old recipes
Monday, October 2, 2023

Vale Best Vale IPA
Cask at St Albans Camra Beer Festival held at the Alban Arena. Pours clear gold with a white cap. Mild aromas of toasted grains, caramel, earth. Taste: light sweet & bitter, toast, earth. Light body with light carbonation. IPA, ha!
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Vale Pale
På St. Albans Beer&Cider Festival 2023. Delt med Rune. Stråfarget. Skumring. Syltynn lacing. Lett grapefruktaroma. Smaken tropisk frukt. Beskjeden. Litt bitter avslutning.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Vale Skyhopper
På St. Albans Beer&Cider Festival 2023. Delt med Rune. Mørk stråfarget. Litt uklar. Lavt tett skum. Litt lacing. Aroma av rosiner & bringebær. Smaken som aromaen. + litt vanilje. Lite bitterhet.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Vale Lock Prop and Barrel
På St. Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Delt med Rune. Amber. Litt uklar. Lavt luftig skum. Lett fruktaroma. Smaken kjeks & plommer. Tørr, forsiktig bitter avslutning.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Vale Best Vale IPA
På St. Albans Beer & Cider Festival 2023. Delt med Rune. Mørk stråfarget. Klar. Luftig filmskum. Litt lacing. Lett kjeksaroma. Hint av frukt. Smaken som aromaen. Balansert. Tørr bitter avslutning.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Vale Skyhopper
Cask conditioned at the Great Northern, St Albans, Herts. Gold with white head. Boiled malts to the fore, sweet butterscotch notes, caramel, toffee. There is a sweet vanilla ice cream note then a hint of citrus. It's okay.
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Vale V.P.A. (Vale Pale Ale)
Cask at The Park Tavern, Eltham. Golden orange pour with a white head. Floral, citrusy aromas. Taste is honey, citrus, bitter malts. Fruity bitter finish. Nice.
Monday, August 7, 2023

Vale Orca

Friday, August 4, 2023

Vale Orca

Friday, August 4, 2023

Vale Black Beauty
2nd August 2023
GBBF Day 2. Cask. A light haze on this darkish amber brown beer, small pale tan head. Palate is light and semi dry, reasonable fine carbonation. Dry choccy malts, mellow, a little dry cream. Mild esters. Ripe fruits before a dry finish. Alright.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Vale Black Beauty

Friday, July 7, 2023

Vale Orca
[Cask at the Back of Beyond (JDW), Reading.] A slightly hazy pale amber pour with a tight cream head leaving lots of lacing; fresh hoppy aroma; full of fresh hops in the mouth with a vegetal bitterness that strips the palate; meaning that the middle and the finish are just more of the same. A nice hop bomb, but leaving me wanting something different.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Vale Black Beauty
Sample at the agate house JDW. Thin beige head. Clear amber pour. Lots of dhocolate
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Vale Black Beauty
Cask at Picture House, Stafford. Asked for a half, paid for a half – got served a pint ! Luckily my train was 10 mins ate, so I didn’t have to rush it too much. Anyway, pours a very dark reddish-brown with a medium sized foamy beige head, and good lacing. The aroma has roast malrs and dark fruits. In the mouth it is smooth, with some hidden bitterness. Main flavours are chocolate and roast malts, plus hints of coffee and toffee. Some floral hops come through after a while. Finish is quite bitter. This is pretty good, a really nice porter.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Vale Yellow Submarine
[Cask at the Hope Tap (JDW), Reading.] A pale amber pour with a creamy white head; lemony aroma; weak lemony taste with a bready body; and a dry finish with some tart berry fruit.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask @ Barum Top Inn, Halifax. Dark amber with a glow and a creamy-smooth head. Malt aroma but a little more interesting in taste with some smoother tasting mildly herbal and darker malt tastes, albeit very very light.
Friday, April 21, 2023

Vale Wychert

Monday, April 17, 2023

Vale Black Beauty Vanilla Porter
Decent malty aroma at first leading to a subtle coffee and fruity aroma. Definite coffee taste with a subtle vanilla finish. Slight bitter aftertaste but enjoyable. Smooth and easy drinking session ale
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask at JDW Wibbas Down Inn, Wimbledon (27/03/2023) - JDW Spring Fest 2023 - toasted malty with notes of sweet biscuit malts, touch of caramel, cereal, light nutty accents, medium body and soft cask carbonation with a smooth mouthfeel, bitter hoppy and lingering malty close. Ok.
Monday, April 10, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask Handpump at Penny Black, Northwich 06/04/2023 Hop aroma. Large white head. Clear golden coloured, hoppy and fruity with a hint of dryness in a crisp and slightly sulphurous malt finish.
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask-conditioned, on gravity, at the Commercial Rooms (JDW), Bristol March 2023. Deep and ruddy brown in colour with a slight, off-white, head. A malty bitter, with fruity sweetness, ripe malts and a moderately bitter finish. Not much of a winter warmer due to the ABV, but drinkable.
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask pint at the George, Croydon as part of the JDW beer festival. Pours amber with an off white head. Aroma of malt and toffee. Similar taste. Bitter finish.
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
[Cask at the Back of Beyond (JDW), Reading.] An amber pour with a cream coloured head; hedgerow aroma; berry taste; and a dry floral finish. Nothing at all like the Wetherspoon’s description, but very drinkable.
Friday, March 31, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask at Moon Under Water, Wolverhampton. Pours a bright ruby with a small off-white head and good lacing. There malts and spices in the aroma plus hints of marmalade. In the mouth it is slightly sweet with malts, ginger and traces of lemon and spice. Later on there is some treacle too. Spices again in the finish. This is quite reasonable,
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Vale Brass Monkey
Cask conditioned at a Wetherspoons. Amber with white head. There is a thinnish maltiness to this allied to a thinnish hopped, citrusy note. Tastes quite watery really with a stewed vegetable hint. It's okay(ish)
Saturday, March 25, 2023