Wear Valley Brewery

(Not In Production)
Brew Pub
The Grand Hotel, Holdforth Crest, Bishop Auckland , Durham, England DL14 6DU
Commenced brewing Jul-05 at The Grand Hotel, Bishop Aukland. Stopped brewing end 2009.
Follow Add Beer
Wear Valley Argentum 4.47/25/2007Rate 2.921
Wear Valley Auckland Ale 4.35/2/2007Rate 2.771
Wear Valley Auckland Glory 3.86/28/2009Rate 2.841
Wear Valley Barney Bitter 5.03/29/2007Rate 2.621
Wear Valley Bierliefhebbers 5.56/27/2009Rate 2.731
Wear Valley Blue Gentian 4.09/3/2007Rate 2.731
Wear Valley Death By Chocolate 5.010/18/2006Rate 2.763
Wear Valley Grand Canny Un 3.85/9/2006Rate 2.921
Wear Valley Kayani 4.02/9/2007Rate 31
Wear Valley MBE 4.22/13/2007Rate 2.351
Wear Valley Morning After 4.88/12/2007Rate 3.29489
Wear Valley Old Amos Ale 4.05/9/2006Rate 2.921
Wear Valley Old Vinovium 4.810/8/2005Rate 2.933
Wear Valley Tindale Tipple 4.02/4/2007Rate 3.162
Wear Valley Twilight Stout 4.012/30/2006Rate 2.862
Wear Valley Weardale Bitter 3.85/9/2006Rate 2.921
Wear Valley Weardale Blonde 4.07/4/2006Rate 2.921
Wear Valley Weardale Wheat 4.35/9/2006Rate 31

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