I’m down to my last 50 bottles of Orval, everybody panic!!!

Reads 5596 • Replies 70 • Started Tuesday, July 21, 2015 4:35:20 PM CT

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beers 2114 º places 4 º 03:21 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by MagicDave6
Whenever we order any, we oprder like 25 cases yet we never seem to have any. I cant fathom where it goes...
have u not seen a decline in quality recently ? .

beers 2996 º places 147 º 07:44 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by 77ships
Only 1 out of 14 ratings complains about it not being sour. Knowing the guy a little bit, I am fairly certain that he wa
There were four complaints about the lack of sour, and two with mention of the sour (that seems to not be present, but people will be people).

beers 3480 º places 102 º 07:58 Sat 7/25/2015

I have one bottle. Bottled on 18/07/12 Best before 18/07/17 Guessin i oughta be drinkin this bad boy eh?

08:10 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by Gary
Orval is a variable beer and I have championed it for years as world class on these forums but I am sorry to say every bottle I age these days is either just decent , mediocre or straight up soulless garbage . Its sad but true . Things have changed since they got a new brewmaster .

PS. thanks for destroying my favourite beer.

In all defense to her, the changes in the process that lead to this were installed and executed on before she took over the role so it’s got nothing to do with her really.

08:14 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by 77ships
Originally posted by SamGamgee
Ok, so Wild Jo isn’t getting the best reviews but it was categorized in Wild/sour so I changed it to Belgian Ale to match where we put Orval. Seems like people were bitching that it wasn’t sour which it isn’t supposed to be...

It is possible that I might be the one who entered it as a Sour/Wild Ale. The brewery very clearly marketed it as a wild beer in name, commercial description & marketing. I think that it is only fair to compare it to other “wild” beers. Only 1 out of 14 ratings complains about it not being sour. Knowing the guy a little bit, I am fairly certain that he was being a bit sarcastic & criticized them largely for calling it a wild beer which was their own choice.

I don’t see the logic of classifying the beer a Belgian Ale because Orval is classified as a Belgian Ale. They are vastly different beers that just happen to both contain brett & have on person in common.

Prepare for a major disappointment if you are hopping for something similar or on par with Orval. It isn’t as bad as the ratings suggest but it is just about okay. As mentioned above, I don’t think that it tastes anything like Orval nor was it meant to.

In what way would someone calling their beer "wild" imply that it also has to be sour?

Is it perhaps an overseas misinformed presumption still lingering on that wild also equals sour and the fact that RateBeer styles group wild and sour together further (for other reasons) reinforces this misconception?

You among all already know all this, so maybe your post was merely a commentary reflection on others.

beers 25413 º places 68 º 08:30 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by Travlr
Hi. Are we still panicking, or has this problem been solved? I just want to know if I need to build panic into my weekend schedule. I’m thinking Saturday afternoon from 2 to 2:15.

I got a dozen last week which has filled half a hole in the crates, but they are fresh so need ageing for my palate.

beers 25413 º places 68 º 08:33 Sat 7/25/2015

Originally posted by fly
Originally posted by harrisoni
Originally posted by fly
Crying as I read this.

Can you save one for me for when I come in August.......

If you are at GBBF I will certainly bring one for you

Which would you like, a 2013 or 2014 bottle? Don’t worry if you can’t fit something in for me, a can of something I’ve not had that is fresh and local to you would be much appreciated.

I am trying to decide whether or not to pack any beers to bring as it can be a pain in the ass as you might know. If I do, please let me know if there is something here I might be able to get you.

beers 2114 º places 4 º 09:50 Sun 7/26/2015

so basically orval is dead and everyone agrees .

beers 6111 º places 110 º 10:10 Sun 7/26/2015

Originally posted by Gary
so basically orval is dead and everyone agrees .


beers 8512 º places 63 º 10:12 Sun 7/26/2015

Originally posted by Gary
so basically orval is dead and everyone agrees .

Nah. There hadn’t been any Orval around here for about 9 months, so when it hit the shelves again recently I’d completely run out and hopped into the new stuff straight away. It was bottled 17 Feb 15 and is as good as ever.