New in October

Reads 3371 • Replies 43 • Started Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:01:09 AM CT

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16:24 Wed 11/2/2011

Brad, no issue, more of an observation with no desire for action. Like I said, I follow the twitter and facebook so I benefit from the behind the counter stuff. It just seems odd which beers get which treatment sometimes. Again, I should probably be thankful to be the weird one here. If I was still in PDX I would be back to blowing people for Fantome and Cantillon.

Actually, since you are here, my one serious request would be to make sure at least some of the seasonal hoppy beers get refrigerated. I think most of the year round ones are but I think some things like Double Trouble have all been out on the floor in the past. I know a lot of people think I am crazy, but I do think it makes a difference even in a week or two. For something like Hop Slam that sells through in a day, I don’t care.

17:09 Wed 11/2/2011

John, I do what I can with the space I have, but if you look at the case stacks of most hoppy beers in the store you’ll notice they are dummy stacks for display. The bottom cases are empty and only a few packs sit on top. The rest are stored in the cooler, so when you buy a pack of Myrcenary, Two Hearted, Torpedo, Double Trouble, ST Harvest, Stone, Lagunitas, etc... you can be reasonably sure I’ve done my best to keep them cold & fresh. I am in the process of getting racks to improve storage in the coolers so hopefully things will continue to improve. Cheers!

17:12 Wed 11/2/2011

Sounds great. Thanks!

beers 2711 º places 78 º 19:23 Wed 11/2/2011

Hey Brad!

I’m absolutely sure this is a losing battle, but for those of us who don’t feel the need to get a twitter and/or facebook account solely for the purpose of knowing what new beers are in town, any possibility of posting what’s new on, say, a blog instead? Then folks can also make comments, ask questions, etc., and it’s just as accessible to those of us who use a pc to browse the web as well as smartphone/mobile users.

Example, this is Lukas MO’s blog (that they gave up on updating years ago, but the format is pretty much what I had in mind):


19:41 Wed 11/2/2011

Originally posted by Indra
Hey Brad!

I’m absolutely sure this is a losing battle, but for those of us who don’t feel the need to get a twitter and/or facebook account solely for the purpose of knowing what new beers are in town, any possibility of posting what’s new on, say, a blog instead? Then folks can also make comments, ask questions, etc., and it’s just as accessible to those of us who use a pc to browse the web as well as smartphone/mobile users.

Example, this is Lukas MO’s blog (that they gave up on updating years ago, but the format is pretty much what I had in mind):


Probably not a fair comparison as this is a beer mostly store, but this is the gold standard, imo:

Every new arrival is linked to the ratebeer entry.

I mention this in the spirit of: this is my dream but I appreciate that Royal is doing better than all of their local competitors.

beers 5020 º places 294 º 21:42 Wed 11/2/2011

Originally posted by Indra
Hey Brad!

I’m absolutely sure this is a losing battle, but for those of us who don’t feel the need to get a twitter and/or facebook account solely for the purpose of knowing what new beers are in town, any possibility of posting what’s new on, say, a blog instead?

Add me to that. I never had twitter and recently got off of FB.

early, I meant to write thanks Brad for posting.

06:51 Thu 11/3/2011

Odd you should mention the Beer Blog, though it is another "not as simple as it sounds must convince the powers that be" situation. There are plans to update the Royal website &, if I get my way, hire someone new to maintain it for us. If this works out it would include a reasonably up to date list of what we carry. It would not be updated as often as Facebook & Twitter so they would still be your best shot at rare beers. The problem is finding a way to make it cost effective. We have to make more from it than we spend on it.
John, Belmont Station is awesome & I love that place. While I agree it is the gold standard, the reality of it is being able to pay someone to maintain a site like that here is simply not cost effective. While I would love to make it happen I simply don’t have the time or budget. That comparison suffers from the same thing all of your west coast comparisons do. This Market can not currently support it. The infrastructure does not exist here. Look at the number of breweries in Portland alone. Beer culture is in a different place out there. Hop Farms are all over the state, beer is a huge industry for them and a far smaller one for us. That results in a lot of people working in the industry and interested in the product. While there are some of us here that are doing are part to elevate local beer culture(compare today to just 5 years ago) there are a lot that simply have no interest at this time. You might as well be in Portland complaining about the lack of variety in barbecue. While I believe everyone has the right to complain, I also invite everyone to do something about it. Educate people, pick up a part time "hobby job" in a bottle shop, start a tasting club that meets at different local beer bars and is open to all. While complaints make people think, actions produce results. Again thanks to everyone and we’ll get there. It just takes time and a lot of work.

beers 5288 º places 1153 º 07:03 Thu 11/3/2011

Just text ‘follow Royalliquorbeer’ to 40404.

If you have unlimited texts, you’re good. It’s called twitter fast follow, google it for more info.

07:07 Thu 11/3/2011

"our part"... oops.

beers 5288 º places 1153 º 07:09 Thu 11/3/2011

Also, appreciate the work you are doing Brad.

