Formerly brewed at McNeill's Brewery
Style: Stout
Brattleboro, Vermont USA


on tap


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RATINGS: 76   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.66/5   SEASONAL: Winter   ABV: -
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bb (17048) - Alamo, California, USA - AUG 11, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2019 Draft. Black beer with a tan head. Light roast aroma. Roast and light licorice flavor. Medium bodied. Roast and light licorice linger with light chocolate.

altonbrownd (5922) - Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA - JUL 13, 2011
On tap at brewery in Brattleboro. Dark black body with slight head. Roasty malts in the nose with some chocolate. Taste is also chocolate, malts and some caramel. Nice and creamy. Well done.

vodka4blood (157) - Miltonboro, Vermont, USA - JUL 10, 2011
Could be this brewery’s best beer...... although War Lord is also excellent. Love the smoky chocolate interplay, much more flavors than any Guinness I’ve had for sure - more than I can identify, really. This is my favorite VT stout so far.

OldGrowth (3472) - the Containment Area, North Carolina, USA - JUL 6, 2011
bottle from Brattleboro Coop. no date stamped. good aroma sweet. chocolate. brown color. ok head minor lace. bitter flavor. tad tart. medium smooth lite body. dry finish. tasty easy to drink stout.

j12601 (14608) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - MAY 31, 2011
On tap at the brewpub. Pours a deep black with a thin tan head. Roast and cocoa on the nose. Nice roast, chocolate and caramel. Cocoa, big and roasty. Light warming alcohol, a touch of char. Nice and roasty, smooth and lightly sweet.

BREWMUSKCLES (3230) - New Jersey, USA - MAY 27, 2011
perfectly presented (ON SPECIAL!) at the Ratttle and Hum New York City. This brew is creamy with a pronounced hop profile of flower and pine. Dark and delicious it is yeasty almost bready and a pleasure to enjoy even in moderate temperature. Adequate flavors of malt and cocoa not too sweet but well balanced indeed with a maple molasses caramel flavor with some vanilla. Talk about bang for your buck?

blipp (14908) - California, USA - MAY 13, 2011
Draft. Pours near black with a beige head. Moasted malty aroma with a hint of coffee. The flavor has roasted malts, coffee, a light molasses like sweetness and a hint of anise. Nice.

BrewBoxer (2752) - New York, New York, USA - MAR 22, 2011
draft. full boddied, deep back color. Aromas of dark chocolate and rich flavors of malt. Starts out sweet and finishes nice and dry

Rosebud butternuts (2398) - Denton, Texas, USA - OCT 24, 2009
bottle thanks to zinister. poured black with a tan head and some lace. aroma was dark roast, chocolate, and dark fruit. flavor was dark roast, coffee, and chocolate. rather light body.

Cavie (6846) - Arlington, Texas, USA - OCT 18, 2009
Bottle courtesy of Josarah via Zinister. Dark black pour, smells of sweet stout. Tastes of dark flavors. Nice malts. Flavorful without a doubt.

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