Schloss Eggenberg Urbock Dunkel Eisbock

Formerly brewed at Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg
Style: Bock - Eisbock
Vorchdorf, Austria


on tap


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RATINGS: 229   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.7/5   EST. CALORIES: 294   ABV: 9.8%
Tradition reborn - Eisbock Kraftbier, a beer with patina, over 100 years old, once prescribed as a medicine for weak recovering patients - is currently celebrating its renaissance as URBOCK DUNKEL EISBOCK. Brewed with special dark malt and fermented with traditional Eggenberg yeast, this beer has a maturation period of up to nine months. Dark brown in color with an alcohol content of almost 10% by volume, URBOCK DUNKEL EISBOCK has a pleasant, full, and creamy body, with the aroma of coffe, surprisingly light on the tongue despite the alcohol content. Warming with toffee-like malty sweetness, balanced by a hoppy-bitterness in the finish, it is a power beer, as its traditional Austrian name says, best enjoyed after dinner or as an evening drink.

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bytemesis (15400) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - SEP 4, 2016
Yes - an Eisbock tick thanks to Fatknitty! Got a little age on it but its an Eisbock! Pours clear chestnut, no head, no lacing. Aroma is malty dark sugars, toffee, oxidized/sherry notes. Flavor is fully sweet, light bitter, malty toffee, sugary. Booze pretty well hidden. Full body, no carbonation. Interesting, but I am sure its not what it once was. Glad I got a chance to try it though.

Shanshirohop (87) - Zaragoza, SPAIN - FEB 12, 2016
Todo un licorazo para después de comer, cuerpo ligeramente maltoso inundado de alcohol que se sube a la cabeza.

tnkw01 (3759) - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA - JUL 13, 2015
Bottle. Found this jewel in a Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY. Dark brown in color with hardly any head. Aroma is coffee, toffee and fruitcake. Taste is toffee-like malty sweetness with just a tad of hoppyness in the finish.

kitting (71) - Oviedo, SPAIN - AUG 22, 2012
Cerveza demasiado potente para mi. El sabor de la propia cerveza se ve empañado por la fuerte presencia alcoholica, lo que al contrario que puede suceder con la Gordon, termina resultando una cerveza para tomar muy de vez en cuando.

jtclockwork (21132) - , New Jersey, USA - OCT 8, 2010
Bottle thanks to jcwattsrugger. Pours clear brown. Nose of brown sugar, licorice, yeast and toffee. Taste of toffee, brown sugar, light alcohol and sweet malts.

Scubatrip (610) - Annandale, Virginia, USA - AUG 13, 2010
From the bottle, courtesy of Summer Secret Santa 2010, pours black with a thin tan foamy head. Aroma is malty with some chocolate, sour like a farmhouse ale. Taste is similarly Belgian-sour, white grapes, alcohol, candy sugar, molasses. Smooth, thicker than quaffable. Like a chocolate Farmhouse. Thanks Santa!

BiddleBrau (1238) - Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, USA - FEB 10, 2010
Deep red color but no head to speak of. Big caramel sweet nose. Huge caramel malt profile with a slight hop bite on the back end. Slightly alcoholic. Palate is full but lifeless. Uninspiring.

Derek881 (1272) - Denver, Colorado, USA - DEC 21, 2009
I had this beer on tap in D.C in a trumpet glass. The beer had a hazy brown color with a dark amber hue and a big, dark-tan creamy head that had average retention and little cling. The beer had a floral and grainy hops aroma with some notes of caramel malt and coffee. It had a sweet medley of flavors with very little bitterness. A creamy body which was fairly wet and smooth with average carbonation.

JB175 (1665) - Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 29, 2009
Darker brown color with some brown sugar, dark fruit, and molasses in the aroma. Flavor is quite sugary and very concentrated with dark fruit and coffee. Thick feel. The "eising" really makes this one tasty.

Lagunitasfan (1323) - San Diego, California, USA - DEC 30, 2008
AlohaC’s tasting. Spicy and smoky scent. Sharp on the nose. Color of cola. Creamy taste.

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