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RATINGS: 131   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.35/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
This beer is handcrafted in the Monastic tradition and bottle fermented for a slightly dry finish. The incredibly complex layers of fruit and spice tones wil sing on your palate. Those born with a saintly patience might lay this beer down for a year or more, the rest of us will enjoy the bold smoothness of this Triple today.

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JPDurden24 (1675) - Chandler, Arizona, USA - AUG 19, 2013
Hurt by age. Very flat. 2004 Bottle. Oxidized and some malt, apples. It was likely much better in the past.

dionysus (1488) - Oakland, California, USA - FEB 25, 2012
Shared generously by daknole. Bottle pours deep amber/brown with an off-white head. Aroma shows tawny like oxidation with notes of burnt brown sugar, graham cracker, apple cobbler, and some overripe fruit. Flavor shows dates, caramel, and light hazelnut. Overall body is moderate to full, somewhat flat, and finishes with boozy warmth. The age seems to have given some extra depth, but it could definately stand to have a little more carb to break up the body a bit.

daknole (11050) - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA - FEB 13, 2012
Clear light brown pour. Carbonation is gone. Sweet malty aroma, some oxidized notes. Flavor of apple, caramel, oxidized notes. 2004 bottle!

Hophead22 (2879) - Redlands, by way of Wisconsin,, California, USA - JAN 2, 2012
12oz bottle. Rating #130. Clear and very still, carbonation left awhile ago I guess, dark brown/amber color. Nice aroma, dark fruits and some apple and a bit of alcohol. Flavor is slightly off, plum and more light apple. Held up pretty well. (2093)

cubs (10773) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - OCT 5, 2011
Bottle @ home, courtesy of Ughsmash. Huge thanks! Caramel-amber appearance with no head and little carbonation. Dusty, Belgian yeasty, dark fruity, dull caramel aroma. Caramel, fig, brown sugar, Belgian yeasty, caramel malty, slightly spicy, somewhat boozy flavor with a warming finish. Some oxidation. The beer’s settled out to something like a thin barley wine after all these years- way past its prime but fun to try anyhow.

madvike (3357) - Middleton, Wisconsin, USA - AUG 22, 2011
Generous thanks to BenC for sharing...thanks Ben! - Pours rosy amber with no head to speak of. Toffee and butterscotch on the nose, with some sharp alcohol. Faint spicing. Not much here at all. The taste...whoa. Waay off. More butterscotch, toffee, and all sorts of candy sweetness. Cloying and sticky, with a weird sweet malt aftertaste and a bit of booze. Watery and a bit thin, but still slick. Waaay past it’s prime, but really happy to have tried this.

shigadeyo (4029) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - MAY 28, 2010

2003(?) Vintage

3/03/2010: New Glarus Unplugged Triple... Aroma: Malty and boozy; faint fruits and plenty of complex sugars; Appearance: Dull copper; mostly clear; pretty much still/no carbonation. Flavor: Slightly oxidized, but an interesting flavor combinations of toffee, caramel, plump and fuzzy fruits, mequite honey; slightly oxidized; plenty of alcohol, but not burning; adequately sweet and malty (the nuances of the original flavors have most likely collapsed over time). Palate: Medium to medium-full, slightly syrupy; flat. Overall: Unique flavor and aroma; that I am not able to put the descriptions into words at all since its characteristics are unlike anything I have had before; seems more like a thinned out, well-aged barleywine rather than a Triple; a bit of carbonation would probably bring this beer back to life; not too bad at all if it pushing 7 years old!

12 fl. oz. bottle (twist-off cap) from awaller05 via trade. Thanks Andy! Rating #127 for this beer.

alexsdad06 (18007) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - APR 1, 2010
12 oz. bottle shared by shigadeyo. Thanks Craig! Pours a hazy brownish amber color with zero head. The aroma had big ripe fruitiness with sweet malts and a little boozy; much more like an English barleywine now. The flavor was also more like an English barleywine with a sweet caramel maltiness and ripe fruits. Dry at the finish with a hint of the spices it probably had fresh. The alcohol was not present in the flavor, but was warming and I would say bigger than 10% now. Medium bodied; this has held up pretty well to be 7 years old.

Tmoney99 (21235) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - MAR 14, 2010
Bottle shared by shigadeyo. Poured hazy dark amber pour with a minimal frothy white head that mostly diminished and has little lacing. Moderate to heavy toasted malt and grapefruit hop aroma. Medium body with a smooth texture and flat carbonation. Medium to heavy prune sweet flavor with a medium to heavy sweet finish of moderate duration. Good complex brew and maybe a little old.

auerbrau (3202) - Ithaca, New York, USA - AUG 23, 2009
12oz Bottle. 2003. Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/26049401@N08/3849 A very moist, vinous wet apple cider presents in the nose. Aged, but smooth. A nip of pale caramel and a long glissando of ice cider. With a surprising snap from a twist-off, the beer pours a thinly hazed, but mostly clear, bronzed-golden, tanned, but bright. Little head, but a sparkle of carbonation. Graham cracker smacks first, then a sharp acidic tang of fruit cake, calvados, and gooseberries. Warm and lightly oxidized, but not obliterated by time. Not dusty, nor tasting of wet-cardboard. Instead, a very well melded spice, pale fruit, and cookie dough flavor. Palate is yielding, with a nice balance of alcohol, crisp sugars, and yeast flavors. The mature fruit flavors that ink at aged liqueurs and dried figs is probably the best aspect of this beer’s age. Surprisingly, and pleasantly, enjoyable. Thanks Jason, so much, for this special opportunity to reach into the back-catalog of New Glarus and give this a try before it completely fades into the fog of time.

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