Formerly brewed at Black Oak Brewing Co.
Style: Strong Ale - English
Etobicoke, Canada


on tap


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RATINGS: 27   MEAN: 3.44/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.4/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 171   ABV: 5.7%
"Nice malt accents backed up with a good hop punch. It has a beautiful red colour and should be 5.7% alcohol by volume." - Ken Woods, owner, on Bartowel.com Brewed Feb 2004 Replaced by Black Oak Cherry Stout

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beerhugger (572) - Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA - JUL 2, 2005
Rich amber copper colour poured forth. Hops abounded - those fresh floral wafts of glory surprised me somewhat. Refreshing malty mouthfeel followed nicely by a hop kicker. I quite enjoyed this - best I’ve had from Black Oak.

JoeM500 (1909) - Crown Point, Indiana, USA - MAY 2, 2005
Papery nose, but nice caramelly flavor covers up the fact that this is probably a bit old. Bit of a firey bite at the finish, and, by the time this warmed up, it had a pleasant malty nose.

burcusabrews (106) - St. Louis Park, Minnesota, USA - SEP 15, 2004
Golden cream with trace white head. Aroma of tobacco, sunflower seeds, and peaches with some oak. Thin mouthfeel watery flavors of raisins, white chocolate with a moderate amount of bitterness.

obisbeer (568) - Barcelona, SPAIN - AUG 30, 2004
Deep brown, clear, with a fine white head. Toffee, chocolate, and nuts on the nose. Med body w/lingering finish. Flavors of nut,carmel and some hops on the end. Overall great session brew!

DaSilky1 (2607) - San Diego, California, USA - JUN 18, 2004
poured a crystal clear caramel color with a thin to non existent layer of fine bubbles..metallic/canned vegitable aroma with notes of oxidized raisins...mellow raisiny, slightly sweet but kinda bitter flavor..melted toffee...slightly grassy or organic and earthy...with more raisiny flavors...not too shabby really..maybe a bit oxidized.

tiggmtl (4542) - East York, Ontario, CANADA - JUN 13, 2004
Raisins, caramel and sugar in a lightly acidic aroma. Clear tan colour with pillowy off-white head that recedes to cover. Some lacing. Flavour is nicely balaanced if simple - caramel malt, touch of roastiness, a bit acetic, flowery hops and good bitterness. A touch of buttery diacetyl works well. Medium-light body with adequate carbonation. Simple, well-made, middle of the road but not very exciting. Bottle (sampled at Mondial RB Gathering 2004 with CapFlu, CaptainCougar, JerCraigs, MartinT, OKBeer, Radek and Rastacouere).

Gorbalev (3000) - Ontario, CANADA - JUN 11, 2004
Tried before, but finally getting around to rating based on what I had at St. Lawrence beer show. The beer had thinned out a bit since I last tried it, but it was still assertive in its flavours - lots of caramel and nuttiness mixed with a strong citrus nose profile. The bitterness is still there at the end. This is a fine beer.

Rastacouere (6175) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - JUN 7, 2004
Shining orange with ruby hints and a thin beige head. Caramel biscuits aroma, candi sugar, maybe a bit oxidized as the sweetness overpowers the nose in a watery way. There’s a lot of caramel flavor, but it’s not so malty in mouth. Something vegetabley, cookies, weirdly tart. Bitter finish. I’m not much of a fan of this one I must say. Medium carbonation, thin-medium body.

MartinT (10697) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - JUN 6, 2004
Caramel and cane sugar breezes over light citrus and resinous bitterness...Near-silent butterscotch notes comply with the almonds and remain subdued...A floury, dryish ending disappoints a bit, in this a very typical, well-made yet unexciting, Ontario brew...Thanks Jercraigs!...

beanmedic (348) - Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA - MAY 24, 2004
Tried this one on tap at the Winking Judge in Hamilton, ON. The kind of beer to sit by a fireplace and sip. Smells fruity, and has nice caramel flavours. Slightly bitter finish.

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