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RATINGS: 193   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.32/5   EST. CALORIES: 201   ABV: 6.7%
Honorary brothers Tom Baker and Tony Forder, created their special Gruit to flavor this medieval ale. In the 14th century, before the advent of hop usage, ales were infused with sacred and secret herbs. Yarrow, Sweet GAle and Wild Rosemary were used to create this earthy, complex and intriguing ale.

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reggiedunlop (3729) - D-Town, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 4, 2013
Pours a clear golden amber with a thin white head...still CO2 but minimal head. Aroma has lots of lemon and honey...smells like a lemon candy/cough drop...some grapefruit. Flavor is lemony tart with lots of grapefruit and a bit of rind...a light herbal/chammomile note. Mouthfeel is light and a bit syrupy and the finish is tart lemon candy.

zdk (1917) - New York, New York, USA - SEP 1, 2011
shared by Jay, I think. Well this didn’t hold up all that well. Amber pour. Grainy and bready malts. Mild spices and herbs. Dark fruityness... figs or something.

Koelschtrinker (28835) - Brewver-Town, GERMANY - JUN 13, 2011
Überaus komplexer Gerich, sehr würzig, fruchtig, kräuterartig. Saurer Antrunk, in dem die Kräuter erkennbar werden. Die Säuerlichkeit nimmt nach und nach stark ab, die Würze bleibt auf konstant hohem Lever, ebenso wie die kräuterartigen Aromen. Danke an den Doppelbock für das Teilen des Bieres. Test vom 21.4.2007, Gebinde: Glasflasche Noten: 9,11,12,12,8,12 - 11,35

Rciesla (5497) - Exit 15W, New Jersey, USA - MAR 28, 2011
Growler, yup growler freshly filled, thanks a ton Jay. Pours a golden amber toned body with a fain of white head. Sure i can talk about how oxidized this was but there was some good to be found. Light spices, figs and apples, a hint of cinnamon and a malty and earth y finish. Cool, very happy to have tried this.

deyholla (21690) - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA - FEB 26, 2011
Bottle shared by someone at Paul and Ryan’s 5000th celebration, thanks! Poured a clear amber with a near white head that dissipated to the edges. Aroma was full of grain and bread with some spice and a hint of fig. Flavor was similar with bread and sweet grains coming through backed by hints of spice and fig.

j12601 (14608) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - FEB 8, 2011
Pours a hazed gold with a little bit of visible carbonation but no head. Toast, old and oxidized to be sure, but still rather interesting and spicy. A bit of rosemary still lingers about. Sweet and spicy, caramel and cinnamon, more touches of rosemary. Nice cola and spice notes. Finishes with more oxidization, root beer, and some spicy and herbal notes. Very interesting.

jtclockwork (21132) - , New Jersey, USA - MAY 8, 2010
Very odd ale. Sound of crackling in the glass like it is radioactive. Smells like cooked grapes. Tastes almost like bad wine. Rated 8/13/02

Beerlando (3343) - Orlando, Florida, USA - OCT 7, 2009
Bottled. At least 3-4 years old. Pours a cloudy, glowing, dark orange-amber color with a small, quickly fading head of ivory tinted foam. A soapy wash breaks apart and leaves tiny spots on the glass. The aroma shows faded, wild spices, notes of juniper berries, mint, and eucalyptus showing strongest. The malt base seems to have soured some with time as it shows a somehat cidery apple twang. Flavors too have taken a turn for the tart, with bronzed apple and slightly oxidized caramel strugglng againt one another. The same minty sort of yeast that shows in the Saison de la Soeur series is present in this brew, which goes along nicely with the rosemary, yam, and floral berry notes. Seemingly thinned with time, the medium body is a bit undercarbonated and weak. I’m sure his has lost a bit in it’s old age, but it doesn’t strike me as something that could have ever been very impressive.

richlikebeer (839) - Easton, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 30, 2009
poured cloudy gold, tons of spices in the nose, along with some citrus sweetness. flavor was very spicy with hints of carame and a little bit of medicine..crisp finish, medium body...an interesting beer to try, not sure if i would want lots

DJMonarch (15233) - Northwich, Cheshire, ENGLAND - JUL 15, 2009
From the Bottle at Tom’s Ultimate Glasgow Tasting, Blackfriars 01/12/2007 Spicy and sour aromas. Mid brown coloured and a little rich on the palate. Crisp and very dry finish.

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