RATINGS: 476   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.38/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Since the early 1600's, the Dutch have attempted to breed a pure black tulip. Many have tried and a few have come close...but none have succeeded. Call it the Holy Grail of the tulip world. In honor of this elusive flower we have brewed this special elixir. We have combined the finest Belgian malt, rare European hops, an authentic Belgian yeast and finally, the brew is dusted with tulip petals. The resulting blend is nothing less than magical.

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higgsbison (350) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - JUN 24, 2020
Pours a clear golden straw color. No head to speak of. Well carbonated. Notes of banana and apricot. I am not a huge fan of triples. And this definitely is not my favorite triple. Can’t compare to what comes out of Belgium ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Beese (17461) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - APR 16, 2020
UPDATED: APR 16, 2020 16oz bottle from Safeway’s, Portland, OR and drunk on 24/08/2008. A nice tripel, but a little bit OTT on the flavour; there was some general imbalance that I wouldn’t expect from a great Benelux tripel.

solidfunk (20081) - Washington D.C., Washington DC, USA - MAR 11, 2018
UPDATED: MAR 11, 2018 Plenty of booze and a little floral vibe like acid rock album covers. A little oakiness puts this one off. Bottle.

trapped (7550) - New York, TURKEY - JAN 7, 2018
Bottle. Pours clear golden with very small frothy white head, faint earthy aroma, low carbonation, mildly bitter earthy taste with floral hops background, thin body, long finish. Very flavorful, enjoyable.

meccahh69lol (366) - New Haven, Connecticut, USA - NOV 29, 2017
After a long deliberation, we decided on this one and it was better than expected. It has a nice aroma of sugar sweet alcohol and apricot wheat funk. The appearance is a golden cloudy piss. The taste is alcohol on the nose (but not in a bad way) with a solid wheat / belgo yeast aftertaste. It grows on you the more sips ya take. Good for a Hump day of catching up on reviews and doing pre-holiday gift exchanges.

gyllenbock (16876) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - OCT 12, 2017
Sample at SBWF 2017. Golden with a small white head. Aroma and taste of fruit esters, light spices and some malt. Some warming alcohol in the finish. An ok one.

SODAK14 (523) - Rapid City, South Dakota, USA - JUL 31, 2017
NIce ale! You get a bit of yeast, floral, and fruit. It’s a pretty nice mix, one at first sip I wasn’t sure I liked but in the end a very above average brew.

SG111 (2285) - New York, USA - JUN 27, 2017
Tap at the source. Pours light yellow, white head. Aroma is lemon, orange, banana, clove, esters, wheat. Flavor is lots of bubblegum, esters, banana, clove, some lemon. Wow that’s estery. Not for me.

bpreo (3950) - Eugene, Oregon, USA - JUN 19, 2017
At 9% alcohol I have no reason to complain. However, the flavors are not really the best.

partchapol (154) - Ohio, USA - JUN 9, 2017
Smell of yeast and sour fruit, vinegar. Come clear golden color with thin white crown. Taste of yeast and sour fruit, somewhat bland. Slightly slimy texture. Just ok. Don’t feel the tripel.

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