McNeill's Imperial Stout

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RATINGS: 202   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.84/5   EST. CALORIES: 234   ABV: 7.8%
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badgerben (5647) - Blaine, Minnesota, USA - NOV 24, 2011
Skyview V, 11/11/11. Vintage 2003 or 04. Courtesy of Footbalm. Black color with no head. Dry chocolate aroma. Powdery and chalky taste and mouthfeel. Slightly sour. Some chocolate character.

HarvesterOfSorrow (2931) - Bourbon County, Minnesota, USA - NOV 12, 2011
Date: November 11, 2011 Mode: Bottle Source: MN Gathering @ Skyview V Dark brown pour, nice aroma, this was quite a few years old and did not age well so tasted like chalk.

BVery (13631) - Plymouth, Minnesota, USA - NOV 12, 2011
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2013 Bottle at MN Gathering @ Skyview V. Very dark brown pour with minimal head. Aroma of slight bourbon and grape. Medium palate. Taste is fouled - way past its prime. Would have loved to try this one a few years back.

BDR (2535) - Roseville, Minnesota, USA - NOV 11, 2011
Thanks Footbalm. Beautiful black body with faint brown head. very sweet aroma, almsot cloying. The body is sweet, dry, and chalky. Its not bad, but well past its prime.

Maverick34 (4858) - New York, USA - JAN 30, 2011
Draught from ginger manhattan. Dark with smallish head. Some chicolate but some sourness too in fact too much of the sour. Kind of blah.

pintsize (1041) - Austin, Texas, USA - OCT 23, 2008
8-19-08 bottle shared with lb4lb thanks to jwale73
Nice dark brown black pour with a thin but nice dark mocha brown head. Smell is sweet cocoa nibs and roasted fresh coffee beans. Flavor is dusty cocoa, dark chocolate, espresso bean. A hint of bitter hops in there too. Decent mouthfeel and medium carbonation. Overall, pretty good.

lb4lb (2659) - Austin, Texas, USA - AUG 19, 2008
Bottle in trade from jwale73. Thanks man!
Pour is dark black with a medium lived tan head. Smell is a strange hoppy roastiness and comes off very metallic. Not too pleasant. Taste is rich dark burnt and bitter malt. Tart and hoppy. Medium to thin body with normal carbonation. Lingering bitter and burnt flavor. Either very hoppy or just tastes off, but I’m not sure which it is. Ok, I guess.

railcat1 (706) - Kissimmee, Florida, USA - JUL 21, 2008
This was a 22oz bomber with a flavor of sweet malts and hoppy flavor and a kinda fruity and coffee bittterness to it very different yet very good.CHEERS!

dmac (6644) - Toms River, New Jersey, USA - JUL 12, 2008
22 oz bomber. Pours like most of the other McNeills that I have ried, all head and no body. After several pours and lots of waiting my glass of brown head eventually turned into a glass of beer with a deep solid black body and a... well I guess it started huge but then subsided to a normal amount..of creamy deep dark beige brown head. Aroma of burnt coffee, slight chocolate, earth and vanilla extract. Medium to full bodied with tight bubbly carbonation that has a very fizzy full feel. Flavor starts off with a ton of burnt coffee beans but after several sips that subsides and some bittersweet dark chocolate and rum soaked bread begin to emerge along with a touch of vanilla exract. Well not my favorite Impy Stout but probably one of my favorite McNeills brews.....that ain’t saying much though.

TheEpeeist (3709) - Media, Pennsylvania, USA - JUL 6, 2008
22 oz bottle. Mahogany with a thick and sudsy light brown head that hangs around. Nose is rich chocolate, coffee and hay. Medium body with prominent carb give this a light feel in the mouth. Taste is bitter chocolate, grapes, hints of espresso and molasses. A very good classic stout.

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