Sunny Republic Brewing Co.

(Not In Production)
North West Farm Buildings, Winterborne Kingston, Blandford Forum, Dorset, England DT11 9AT
Commenced brewing in Spring 2012. Closed in Summer 2016. According to an (undated) post on the brewery website "Sunny Republic has been acquired by another craft brewer and we will no longer be brewing here", but no further details are provided.
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Kingston Farm Ram Raddle
Brewed by/for Kingston Farm Brewery
4.04/24/2016Rate 2.941
Kingston Farm Rotavator IPA
Brewed by/for Kingston Farm Brewery
5.51/24/2016Rate 2.871
Kingston Farm Zummertime
Brewed by/for Kingston Farm Brewery
3.94/11/2016Rate 2.831
Shamblemoose #04 American Brown Ale
Brewed by/for Shamblemoose Brewery
5.33/14/2013Rate 3.074811
Sunny Republic Bay Amber 3.75/24/2014Rate 2.841
Sunny Republic Beach Blonde (3.7%) 3.75/13/2012Rate 3.16955
Sunny Republic Beach Blonde (4.4%) 4.47/27/2014Rate 2.6937
Sunny Republic Belle Isle Pacific Pale 4.48/1/2015Rate 3.021
Sunny Republic Belle Isle Pale Ale 4.57/31/2015Rate 2.961
Sunny Republic Black Swan 4.21/22/2015Rate 2.95
Sunny Republic Cherry Chocolate Porter 5.512/28/2013Rate 3.078
Sunny Republic Dolphin Amber 4.29/16/2012Rate 2.883719
Sunny Republic Dorset Cross 5.08/26/2012Rate 3.179221
Sunny Republic Dune Raider 5.08/20/2013Rate 2.915
Sunny Republic Full English 4.12/16/2015Rate 2.8239
Sunny Republic Guardian Angel 4.03/8/2015Rate 2.874
Sunny Republic Hop Dog 5.59/11/2012Rate 3.273985
Sunny Republic Huna Red 4.26/3/2012Rate 3.138873
Sunny Republic Red Bus 4.89/12/2015Rate 3.074
Sunny Republic Shark Head 5.06/3/2013Rate 2.713541
Sunny Republic St. Wite's Ale 5.011/18/2012Rate 3.115423
Sunny Republic Stout Porter 5.02/11/2015Rate 2.711
Sunny Republic Temperance 4.65/17/2015Rate 3.026
Sunny Republic Winter Warmer 5.01/8/2015Rate 2.822

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