I’m down to my last 50 bottles of Orval, everybody panic!!!

Reads 5595 • Replies 70 • Started Tuesday, July 21, 2015 4:35:20 PM CT

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beers 25413 º places 68 º 16:35 Tue 7/21/2015

Seriously unless I know I have at least 2 cases of Orval in the garage I get twitchy and uncomfortable. All I can think about is running out of Orval, and then where is there a life? A varying degree of age, 3 months through to 4 years old. Very few left in my sweet spot of 18 months.
The only light at the end of the approaching sewer of despair is that my sister goes on holiday on Friday so I can "borrow" her car and make a dash for Belgium and try to pick up as many cases as I can whilst the Euro is so weak vs GBP.
I’m sure fellow Orval lovers will understand my plight. For everyone else, I hope you never have to go through this gut wrenching feeling.

beers 1490 º places 271 º 16:52 Tue 7/21/2015

Crying as I read this.

Can you save one for me for when I come in August.......

beers 1490 º places 271 º 16:52 Tue 7/21/2015

...or maybe I can BRING you at least one when I visit.

beers 5200 º places 142 º 17:11 Tue 7/21/2015

I may need to top up my stock as well, the shelves are looking bare.

beers 5200 º places 142 º 17:14 Tue 7/21/2015

The garage looks ok though.

beers 8597 º places 190 º 17:54 Tue 7/21/2015

..now i have to open one

beers 7 º places 1 º 18:49 Tue 7/21/2015

I would suggest finding a big drain and pouring them with vigor.

beers 13503 º places 112 º 20:50 Tue 7/21/2015

As someone who has this as their top 10 beer, all I can say is that you guys have taken the cake.

beers 13503 º places 112 º 20:53 Tue 7/21/2015

Did you know Orval is filtered?

beers 1592 º places 63 º 20:55 Tue 7/21/2015


beers 3351 º places 252 º 21:01 Tue 7/21/2015