Wetherspoons beer fest...

Reads 11366 • Replies 161 • Started Monday, February 9, 2015 6:20:50 AM CT

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beers 7801 º places 1359 º 03:05 Mon 4/20/2015

Originally posted by evergreen0199
Originally posted by SarkyNorthener
Originally posted by evergreen0199
Originally posted by niquillis
My recent experience with ’spoons is not good. I’ve got better things to do in my life than try and catch a barpersons attention to get served. Some ’spoons are OK but I have to say I don’t look forward to going in to them now. I’d rather pay an extra 90p a pint (about the difference round here) and get served by someone who can manage a bar rather than someone who serves a pint of fizz then looks up and serves the person in front rather than taking a mental note of who’s where.

As for the fest beers, the ones I tried were humdrum so I didn’t chase any more. I probably got the same amount of ticks from other pubs.

Completely agree, my local Spoons in suburbia is cheap as chips but the clientele are ugly knuckle draggers covered in tattoos who bring their unruly kids along everytime.

Compare that to the excellent Cask Pub and Kitchen where I was last night, smartly dressed, intelligent people who enjoy great beer. OK it is a lot more expensive but it is worth it.

The essence of snobbery right there.

Not snobbery at all, most people would rather drink top quality beer surrounded by civilised people surely?

’Covered in tattoos’... yeah, you never ever ever see that in a craft beer bar