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Avery Preachin' To The Choir

Brewer: Avery Brewing Company (Mahou San Miguel)
Style: Quadrupel / Abt
Alcohol Content: 11.2%
Seasonal: Special

Preachin’ To The Choir is an experiment in yeast. It was made with a slightly modified version of The Reverend’s wort stream, but not with the usual yeast strain or fermentation temperature. The experiment was to transfer the wort at 68F, not turn on any refrigeration to the tank, and let the yeast carry the beer to whatever temperature ’survival-bility’ of the fittest allowed. The tank reached into the low 90sF. The yeast base is comprised of four equal parts of French Saison (Wyeast 3711), Bier de Garde (Wyeast 3725), Farmhouse (Wyeast 3726), and Belgian Saison Ale (WL565). During the very last phase of fermentation, the beer was racked off into kegs and allowed to fully carbonate in the barrel to create a lively and playful 11.2% abv ’keg-conditioned’ beer. Rejoice in the estery goodness!

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