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Heater Allen Mediator Dopplebock

Brewer: Heater Allen Brewing Co.
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Alcohol Content: 7%
Seasonal: Special

Mediator is what we call our Dopplebock. Dopplebock started out as a Lenten beer for the monks in Germany. During Lent they would forgo solid food and get all their sustenance from beer. Needless to say it was big beer with lots of unfermented dextrins. Once the public got a taste it became very popular.
We call our beer Mediator because we think that a 22 ounce bottle is probably better shared than drunk alone. It’s rich, toasty and malty, with a few plum notes on the palate and the slightest roasted character in the finish. (BG 1.075, 7%, 35 IBUs, 15 SRM)

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