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Tsingtao Stout (Export)

Brewer: Tsingtao Brewery (Tsingtao)
Style: Stout - Extra / Foreign / Tropical
Alcohol Content: 7.5%
Seasonal: No

Stout Beer: Show yourself, in a remarkable way

Tsingtao Stout Beer has a special thick flavor of burnt malt as well as a slightly sweet taste. It contains abundant vitamins and amid acid, which give it its distinct dark color, hence it is also known as ¡°black milk¡±. In the beer family, stout beer is in a top position due to its unique flavor and high nutrition value.

Tsingtao Stout Beer is a type of beer that is meant to show off the vibrant personality of its drinker. It is developed for men from 25 to 40 years of age, because they are highly perceptive and very accomplished individuals with strong personalities. Channels of distribution are bars, KTVs and night clubs.

Just like its consumers, Tsingtao Stout Beer has a unique quality and irresistible flavor which helps it secure its distinct position in the beer family.

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