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Cumberland Mary Hop-Mas Ale

Brewer: Cumberland Brews (USA)
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 7.3%
Seasonal: Winter

Its that time of year, The Decorations are up, The Malls are crowded, The kids are trying to stay on the nice list, and most people are full of holiday cheer. To keep you full of Holiday Cheer we brewed a 15 barrel batch of American IPA. We took the popular Modus Hoperandi recipe tweaked it a little with some flaked barley and changed the hop schedule. Brewed with 8 lbs each of Columbus and Cascade Hops, and then dry hopped with a further 8 lbs of Amarillo hops. Over a pound and a half of hops per barrel gives this beer a bitter bite, as well as a pleasant hop aroma. Keep your holiday cheer up with a pint of Mary Hop-Mas. IBU 80

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