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Sibirskaya Korona Originalnoe

Brewer: AB InBev-Efes Omsk
Style: Pale Lager - American
Alcohol Content: 4.4%
Seasonal: No

Sibirskaya Korona is brewed since 1996 by the Rosar brewery in Omsk. Sibirskaya Korona is a premium beer, a true symbol of the Siberian region. Brewed from the best malt, hops and crystal pure water, Sibirskaya Korona has a unique and somewhat sophisticated taste. This beer is available in five varieties: Originalnoye, Klassicheskoye, Prazdnichnoye svetloye, Prazdnichnoye temnoye and Krepkoye. Originalnoye svetloye is the most popular version. It has a distinctive fresh flavor with pleasant hop bitterness. Gravity - 11%

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