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Four Peaks Macadamia Nut Brown Ale

Brewer: Four Peaks Brewing Company (AB InBev)
Style: Brown Ale
Alcohol Content: N/A
Seasonal: Special

Scott Spicola was a former owner and brewer at Ali’i Brewery in Honolulu, Hawaii. In his time there he created many fantastic beers that cultivated quite the following both at his Brewery and at restaurants around Hawaii. He was also a good friend of our Head Chef, Arthur Craft; growing up together, going to concerts, hanging out and generally just being the kids that they were. Scott passed away a little over 4 years ago at the age of 35, as a result Arthur and Scott’s family wanted to do something special in his memory. The Macadamia Nut Brown Ale (available this Friday the 2nd), which was his signature beer at Ali’i, was decided upon to be a fitting tribute, the easiest way to share one of his passions with the rest of us.

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