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Rivertown Roebling Porter

Brewer: Rivertown Brewery
Style: Porter - Imperial Flavored
Alcohol Content: 7.9%
Seasonal: No

Crafted for the ones that are free to enjoy their Porter all year round. This rich, Imperial Porter combines the perfect blend of LaTerza espresso, vanilla and innovation into a big, rich, chocolate, espresso infused brownie of a beer that is as innovative as its namesake. Rivertown was asked to craft a beer for a community festival in 2011 which celebrated the 145th Birthday of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge linking Cincinnati, OH and Covington, KY. This Imperial Porter is inventive, unique, well balanced, strong, and has been created to be as timeless and remarkable as the Roebling Bridge, the man who dreamed big and the community that brought that dream to life.

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