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Short's Saison du Short's

Brewer: Short's Brewing Company
Style: Saison / Farmhouse / Grisette
Alcohol Content: 6%
Seasonal: Special

Pub Brew. Saison du Short’s is a light bodied ale, with a glowing orange color. It has soft aromas of faint apple and spice, which derive from the Belgian yeast esters. The refreshing nature of this beer is created by the unique flavors of spicy clove, earthy hop characteristics, and delicate malt sweetness. A clean and slightly dry finish allows for a noticeable and lingering spiciness.

The Saison finds its roots in the brewing practices of Northern France and Belgium. “Saison” is French for season, and these ales were traditionally brewed in the autumn or winter for consumption during the late summer harvest. It is a very funky beer style, because it has a wide range of flavors depending on where and who is brewing it. No two Saisons seem to taste, smell, or look exactly the same.

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