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Dogfish Head Death Metal

Brewer: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Co.)
Style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Alcohol Content: 9.2%
Seasonal: Special

This Brewpub Exclusive was made by homebrewer Tom Bastian (TomDecapolis on RB) along with Sam and Jason and will make its way to the Great American Beer Festival as our Pro-am competition entry for 2011. Tom won the Philly Beer Week’s Extreme Homebrew Challenge in June and his prize was to be able to brew at our Rehoboth Pub. "There weren’t any bad beers," Sam says. "But Tom’s Death Metal stood out to me because you could taste or smell each of the special ingredients that he mentioned in the description, but none of them was overwhelming. Extreme for me is extremely flavorful, extremely memorable, not just extremely strong. And he had all of that." Death Metal is a big ole Imperial Stout with loads of Columbus, Amarillo, and Simcoe hops, a wide array of roasty toasty malts, honey, molasses, heaps of cold steeped coffee, and a whole mess of vanilla beans. The beer’s in-your-face punch earned it the name Death Metal and it lives up to the name with each of the flavorful ingredients head banging into your palate in succession.

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