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Firestone Walker Agrestic

Brewer: Firestone Walker Brewing (Duvel Moortgat)
Style: Sour Flemish Ale - Flanders Red / Oud Bruin
Alcohol Content: 6.6%
Seasonal: Special

American Wild Red Ale

This liberation begins its journey as DBA then continues through a “chrysalis” process involving 87% French and 13% American Oak barrels, and our proprietary collection of micro flora. To blend, we selected beer matured eight to 24 months in barrels, creating a synergistic beer. Immediately, toasted oak and lemon pith swirl on the nose and palate, followed by an amazing harmony of vanilla, coconut, Earl Grey tea and spice. The finish is crisp, with mouth-watering acidity and chewy tannins. Since we age, blend and bottle these beers once a year, there will be slight variation with each release. A santé!

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