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Pedernales Lobo Lito

Brewer: Pedernales Brewing Company
Style: Pale Lager - American
Alcohol Content: 4%
Seasonal: No

Lobo Lito is a "Session Beer". Session Beer is not actually a style of beer but describes the beer’s contribution to society. Lobo Lito does this by being a relatively low alcohol beer which is light in color, light in body and goes down easily. Having several of these beauties while sitting around passing the time with friends will lift your position in society as you share your worldly knowledge and wash it down with the best session beer around. Lito is made with 100% malted barley, this means brewing with no adjuncts such as rice or corn. Because of this traditional brewing regime, Lito maintains a dense foamy head and is one of the best "light" beers with actual malt and hop flavor.

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