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Beachwood Tart Simpson

Brewer: Beachwood BBQ & Brewing
Style: Berliner Weisse
Alcohol Content: 3%
Seasonal: No

Tart Simpson is a naturally tart wheat beer brewed in the traditional Berliner Weisse fashion. Equal parts of German pilsner and wheat malts are mashed in an oxygen free environment for 72 hours. Natural cultures on the grain husks sour the wort (unfermented beer) during this period in whats know as "sour mash." The beer is then gently boiled for a short period to preserve the fresh doughy notes present. Tart Simpson is fermented with one of our favorite German ale yeasts and cold conditioned for a period of three weeks to smooth our the flavors. The result is a light-bodied and refreshing wheat beer with subtle acidic notes and lively carbonation. IBUs 4

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