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Franciscan Well Alpha Dawg

Brewer: Franciscan Well Brewery (Molson Coors)
Style: IPA
Alcohol Content: 5.9%
Seasonal: Special

Bottle only limted to 1000 India Pale Ales were traditionally brewed stronger and hoppier than conventional ales of the mid 1800’s in order to survive the 3 months voyage around the African continent and across the Indian ocean. As the barrels were kept in motion by the movement of the ship at sea, the yeast would stay in suspension and result in a more attenuated drier ale. Alpa Dawg was brewed with the finest Marris Otter malt, the high alpha UK hop ’Admiral’ was used for bittering and the American hop ’Cascade’ for aroma. Resulting in a beer of complex flavour and character, one for the hopheads !!

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