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Pinthouse Iron Genny

Brewer: Pinthouse Pizza
Style: Pale Ale - American (APA)
Alcohol Content: 5.4%
Seasonal: No

Somewhere between an American Style Pale Ale and an English Style Pale Ale lives our Iron Genny. This beer’s hop character blends the classic American Pale Ale with the classic English Pale Ale. An assorted blend of Citrus and Geranial hops mix with an earthy and herbal backbone to fill the nose with an extended flavor throughout the beer. This unique blend of American and English hop varieties adds complexity and depth to the flavor and provides a clean, balanced bitterness. The small charge of Crystal malt adds color and a hint of nutty sweetness to create a pleasant hop character that hangs on the finish. With just enough malt character to provide “balance” to the hops, Iron Genny finishes dry and crisp.

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