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Ironfire Outcast Dead Imperial Red Ale

Brewer: Ironfire Brewing Company
Style: Red Ale - Imperial
Alcohol Content: 10.5%
Seasonal: Autumn

Brewed in the style of a “West-Coast” Imperial Red Ale. Upon first sip, this beer showcases a delicious malt bill worthy of any Red Ale. A face-melting 120 IBU’s quickly follows, however this extreme bitterness only compliments the bold and unique flavor packed into this outcast of an ale. We then age the finished beer in Whiskey barrels for a minimum of 3 months. What comes out is on of the most unique barrel aged beers you will ever have, with massive amounts of caramel, vanilla, oak and Whiskey notes. Fall/Autumn seasonal brew, bottles may be available through out the year. 120 IBU, 10.5% ABV Previously 9% abv

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