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Cambridge Chico Suave

Brewer: Cambridge Brewing Company
Style: Pale Ale - American (APA)
Alcohol Content: 4.8%
Seasonal: Special

This hoppy little beer boasts a very complex malt bill of Vienna, Aromatic, Wheat, and Dark Crystal malts, providing a balanced palate to the hop character. Featuring Aurora, Tettnanger, and Centennial in the kettle, it is dryhopped with both Citra and Nelson Sauvin. Bright and floral in the nose, it hints at citrus, grass, and pine along with tropical fruit and a touch of white wine grape. The beer is fermented with our strain of Chico yeast, often called American Ale Yeast #1 and best known as the house yeast strain at the Sierra Nevada brewery in Chico, California. This yeast strain is well known for its ability to ferment completely, leaving a clean, dry beer which greatly accentuates hop character.

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