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Kapittel Watou Winter

Brewer: Leroy
Style: Dubbel
Alcohol Content: 7.8%
Seasonal: Winter

Kapittel Winter gets its specific taste from Morellen (these are sour summer Cherry's with a dark red color and a very specific taste) We apply Cumin, liquorice and a touch of Coriander. Its unique flavor and taste, makes you almost longing, for the dark and windy wintertime, which makes this romantic mood creator, an ideal companion. Our Christmas beer has a hazy, mahogany amber color, topped by a finger-thick beige head. It has a particular smell of original dark Belgian fondant chocolate. The entry is soft and sweet, with a hinge to cherry, dried berry fruits and spicy notes. The aftertaste of dark malt and a spiced touch too completes this full-bodied, sweet and slightly spiced delicacy.

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