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Tröegs Scratch 123

Brewer: Tröegs Brewing Company
Style: Dubbel
Alcohol Content: 7.8%
Seasonal: No

For this latest Scratch Beer offering, we’re revisiting one of Chris Trogner’s favorite beer styles. Over the last two years, the Belgian Brown Ale has become his anniversary beer of sorts, and we have released a variation on the style each November since he tied the knot. The flavor of Scratch #123 originates in the Abbey Ale yeast strain, which produces a distinctive fruity character akin to dried dark fruit (think raisins or prunes). On your palate, the dark fruit flavor continues, adding traces of toffee, chocolate, caramel, and dark rum as well as delicate spices, roasted nuts, and lightly toasted grains. The addition of Belgian Candi sugar bolsters the ale’s sweetness, while Turbinado sugar releases a subtle molasses flavor. Scratch #123 finishes with a faint floral hop note that ties everything together.

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