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AC Golden Framboise Noir

Brewer: Molson Coors USA - Coors Brewing Company (Molson Coors)
Style: Sour / Wild Beer - Dark
Alcohol Content: N/A
Seasonal: No

Ale aged in oak wine barrels with blackberries added.

Late in the summer of 2012, we received a phone call from a farmer on the Western Slope. She informed us that she had a field full of delicious blackberries that were ready for harvest, but no one to sell them to. We had a batch our dark sour that tasted delightful and was ready for fruit, so we were happy to buy them.

We let those fresh, whole Colorado blackberries age in our dark sour for over two months. The resulting flavors were a mix of dark fruit notes that accentuate the rich caramel malt and vanilla notes in the dark sour. We can’t wait for that farmer’s next phone call.

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