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Upright Anniversary Saison

Brewer: Upright Brewing
Style: Saison / Farmhouse - Flavored
Alcohol Content: 6.25%
Seasonal: Special

This brew harkens back to our first Anniversary beer, a cascade hopped Saison aged in gin barrels with apricot. That was our first experience using gin barrels, and we’ve grown to love the botanical nuance and oil rich mouthfeel they lend. This version is the first of what will become an annual release and uses a mix of three wine casks along with the gin barrel, which still shows strongly in the beer. The nose opens with a bit of all of the elements- the spirit, herbs and spices, hops, apricot, brettanomyces and wheat. More fruit shows in the flavor and the beer has a historic dry and bitter profile. The four cask blend has about 10% fresh beer (the base for the 2015 batch) added, which brightens the profile and will allow for an interesting conditioning well over an year.

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